- China's search for an alternative international reserve currency is touched with irony: the drug pusher is pushing the addict to reform itself. 中国对一种替代性国际储备货币的追求颇具讽刺意味:贩毒的倒敦促起吸毒的来了,要其洗心革面。
- Second, to promote the reform of international reserve currency system, Asian countries should, based on the Chiang Mai Initiative, explore the SDR as the Asian reserve currency. 第二,为了推动国际储备货币体系改革,亚洲国家应以清迈协议为基础,探索以特别提款权作为亚洲储备货币。
- To avoid the shortcomings of sovereign credit currencies acting as reserve currencies, we need to create an international reserve currency that can maintain the long-term stability of its value. 为了避免单一信用货币作为储备货币带来的缺陷,我们需要创造一种能够维持其面值长期稳定的国际储备货币。
- The former one endows euros with the role of international reserve currency; 建议一赋予了欧元主要国际储备货币的角色;
- Probe into the Condition for RMB to Evolve into an International Reserve Currency 人民币成为储备货币的条件探讨
- international reserve currency 国际储备货币
- The euro should constitute an important reserve currency and play a key role in portfolios of financial assets on an international scale. 欧元应该成为重要的储备币种,并在国际金融资产组合中起关键作用。
- Obama Administration Defends US Dollar as Global Reserve Currency. 美高官预计美元国际货币地位不变。
- But the SDR is unlikely to become a reserve currency any time soon. 但特别提款权是不可能这么快就成为储备货币的。
- SDRs are an official international reserve asset issued by the IMF to its members, which can exchange them for freely useable currency. 特别提款权是IMF向其成员国发放的一种官方国际储备资产,这些国家可以用特别提款权交换可自由兑换的货币。
- The euro should co titute an important reserve currency and play a key role in portfolios of financial a ets on an international scale. 欧元应该成为重要的储备币种,并在国际金融资产组合中起关键作用。
- International reserve holdings - Are financial centres different? 持有国际储备的模式金融中心有什么不同?
- Momentum is building up for using the Special Drawing Rights (SDR) of the International Monetary Fund to supplement or rival the dollar as the main global reserve currency. 他们要求使用国际货币基金组织的特别提款权(SDR)来补充作为全球主要储备货币美元的作用,甚至主张其与美元并驾齐驱,这样的呼声越来越高。
- Zhou's proposal to move to a new reserve currency along the lines of the S.D.R.'s, or special drawing rights, in which the International Monetary Fund leeps its accounts. 于是,周小川提议,以由国际货币基金组织记账的特别提款权(简称SDR)为基础,转入一种全新的储备货币。
- Swiss Airlines, International Reservations. 瑞士航空公司,国际航班订票处。
- Convertibility between the monetary base and the reserve currency at the fixed exchange rate (i.e. $7.80 = US$1). 货币基础与储备货币可按固定汇率(即7.;80港元兑1美元)兑换。
- Recent figures show that it has knocked the yen off its perch as the world's third most popular reserve currency. 最近的数据显示,英镑已经击倒日元,成为世界第三大最受欢迎的贮备币种。
- In the face of a severe crisis relating to international reserves, the government devalued the currency twice. 面对国际储备的严重危机,政府实施了两次货币贬值。
- He controls inflation by setting interest rate to help set the value of the dollar as a major reserve currency. 他通过制定利率,来控制通货膨胀,因此而帮助确立世界主要储备货币美元的价值。
- He said first that he was “open” to China's proposal that the dollar should be superseded as the reserve currency. 盖特纳先是表示,他对于中国提出的美元国际储备货币地位应被取代的建议持“开放”态度。