- SARS threatened to become an international public health crisis. SARS的威胁将成为全球的公共卫生危机。
- Where an international application is filed in Chinese,a copy of the abstract published in the international publication shall be furnished. 国际申请以中文提出的,应当提交国际公布文件中的摘要副本。
- Alan Larson provides clients with international public policy advice, counseling and representation. 艾伦·拉森为客户提供国际公共政策的建议、咨询服务和代表服务。
- In 2005, SSI formally became a member of China International Public Relations Association. 2005年,海辰机构正式成为中国国际公关协会会员。
- Where an international application is filed in Chinese,a copy of the figure of the drawings in the abstract as published in the international publication shall be furnished. 国际申请以中文提出的,应当提交国际公布文件中的摘要附图副本。
- Through friendly relations with the global press,we aim at creating an atmosphere of favorable international public opinion. 通过建立与国际新闻界的友好联系,争取更多的国际舆论支持,营造良好的国际舆论氛围。
- Through friendly relations with the global press, we aim at creating an atmosphere of favorable international public opinion. 通过建立与国际新闻界的友好联系,争取更多的国际舆论支持,营造良好的国际舆论氛围。
- Its Overseas Public Relations Sub-Division co-ordinates the government's international publicity efforts. 该科辖下的海外公共关系组负责统筹政府海外宣传工作。
- This makes the IHR (2005) a necessary and very timely new public health instrument, central to ensuring international public health security. 因此,《国际卫生条例(2005)》成为必要和非常及时的新公共卫生文件,其中心是保障国际公共卫生安全。
- Laying down the rules for international public health security, the IHR (2005) confer on WHO new roles and responsibilities. 《国际卫生条例(2005)》规定了国际公共卫生安全的规章,赋予世卫组织新的职责和责任。
- Where an international application is filed in Chinese, a copy of the figure of the drawings in the abstract as published in the international publication shall be furnished. 国际申请以中文提出的,应当提交国际公布文件中的摘要附图副本。
- Following four years of international public protest aimed at the companies, Bechtel and Abengoa agreed to abandon their case for a token payment. 经过四年多来世界各地民众持续向该公司抗议后,这两家公司决定放弃高额的违约求偿,只收取象徵性的款项。
- At fifteen, Sinorama is the Taiwan publication with the largest international publication network, most subscripters in the US, and most reprinted stories abroad. 创刊十五年,光华已是全台国际发行网最广,全美订户最多、全球新闻媒体转载率最高的中文杂志。
- It is right to say that the IPRA World Congress is the “Olympic Games” in the field of international public relations. 同时,也应看到中国仍然是一个发展中的国家,人均收入水平仍排在世界100位之后,生产力不发达的状况没有根本改变,社会主义市场经济体制还有待进一步完善。
- Shalini Venturelli.From the Information Economy to the Creative Economy[J].Moving Culture to the Centre of International Public Policy,2001 (1). 学习时报编辑部.;落日的辉煌--17、18世纪全球变局中的"康乾盛世"[M]
- At fifteen, Sinorama is the Taiwan publication with the largest international publication network, most subscribers in the US, and most reprinted stories abroad. 创刊十五年,光华已是全台国际发行网最广,全美订户最多、全球新闻媒体转载率最高的中文杂志。
- Please guarantee that your paper is not published in other international public periodicals or presented in other academic symposiums. 论文作者请自留底稿。论文被录用后,将被收入大会论文集。
- In the meantime, the international public opinion to the influential Henry Kissinger did not seem to come out and say so. 在此期间,对国际舆论颇有影响的基辛格似乎没有站出来说什么话。
- Nigel Pritchard,CNN's head of international public relations,who is sitting beside me,has prepared a memo outlining some things his boss might like to consider not saying. 坐在我身边的CNN国际公共关系负责人奈杰尔·普里查德准备了一份备忘录,提醒自己的老板最好留意不要涉及的一些事情。
- There must be days when Costner feels like that on the international publicity circuit. 在其巡游世界的宣传过程中,一定有不少日子科斯特纳就是这种感觉。