- These were years of social stability, ethnic solidarity and rising international influence for China. 是我国社会稳定、民族团结、国际影响日益扩大的五年。
- The country was a great naval power in past centuries,ie had great international influence because it had a large navy. 该国在前几个世纪是海上强国。
- It should have large brand sporting events,sports clubs and sports stars with wide international influence. 应该拥有广泛国际影响力的大型品牌赛事,体育俱乐部和体育明星。
- These were years of social stability,ethnic solidarity and rising international influence for China. 是我国社会稳定、民族团结、国际影响日益扩大的五年。
- Their importance comes from their international influence, with which they are able to advance an ethical agenda. 他们的重要性体现在他们在国际社会上的影响,甚至于对伦理日程制定的影响。
- It should have large brand sporting events, sports clubs and sports stars with wide international influence. 拥有广泛国际影响力的大型品牌赛事,体育俱乐部和体育明星。
- Even the Roman empire at its zenith did not have the international influence of 21st-century America. 罗马帝国甚至在全盛时期也没有21世纪的美国这样的国际影响力。
- Beautifully illustrated book condiders the international influence of the Art Deco style on domestic design and its enormous modern-day appeal. 这本书很好的说明了国际装饰艺术对国内设计和它的对现代的巨大影响。
- The country was a great naval power in past centuries, ie had great international influence because it had a large navy. 该国在前几个世纪是海上强国.
- In November last year, we successfully held WCO Regional Forum for IPR Protection, yielding positive international influence. 去年11月,我们还成功举办了“世界海关组织知识产权保护地区论坛”,产生了积极的国际影响。
- Our goal is to make Hefei a flat panel display manufacturing base featuring national importance, international influence and global competitiveness. 我们的目标是把合肥打造成全国重要的,具有国际影响和竞争力的平板显示器基地。
- To a great extent, so broad range and so wide international influence of Ma Zu rely on the way of communication and transmition particular to the seas. 妈祖信仰及妈祖文化从中国东南沿海扩展到港澳台、日本、东南亚以及欧美的任何有华人的地方,如此广泛的传播范围以及如此巨大的国际影响力,其中的缘由很大部分依靠的是海洋独有的交流和传播方式。
- In one word, we will spare no effort to make the next Challenge Cup of higher level, richer fulfilling inside, stronger? impressing characterize greater international influence. 总之,我们将尽自己最大的努力,使新一届"挑战杯"全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛成为提升层次、加内涵、化品牌、出特色、向世界的一届盛会。
- Believing an elder brother virtuous fortress number will promote medium Rui two country people's comity, promote the international influence of Guangzhou. 相信哥德堡号将会增进中瑞两国人民的友谊,提升广州的国际影响力。
- Some speculate that the Congo-Brazzaville story may just have been propaganda cooked up to give Mugabe the appearance of having international influence. 一些推测认为,这个刚果(布)的故事也许仅仅是出于宣传的目的而进行的炒作,目的是为给穆加贝施加国际压力。
- The internationalization of RMB can bring revenue of seigniorage, decrease exchange rate risk, increase international influence and some other benefits. 一国货币的国际化程度是本国经济在世界经济中地位的重要体现。
- Discipline theory is the academic basis of Redology which is a revolutionary theory with international influences. 摘要作为一门具有国际影响的当代“显学”,红学之学科理论,是这门学科存在的学理依据。
- Abstract: Chivalric novels are subject to the internal influence of traditional fictional paradigms. 文章摘要: 武侠小说受传统范式的影响有其特定的规定性。
- Wu Yi concluded by saying that for more than 100 years, the BIE's membership has kept growing and the business of the international exposition has been thriving, exerting an ever increasing international influence. 吴仪最后表示,一百多年来,国际展览局成员不断增多,国际展览事业蓬勃发展,在国际上的影响日益扩大。
- Tipping is not part of local culture, but international influences have turned some Westernized palms upward in search of a few extra rupiah. 给小费原本不是当地文化的一部分,但是国际性的影响使得一些西化的人们盼望多得一些钱。