- Waldheim suggested introducing an international force from Scandinavia and other countries to police the cease-fire. 瓦乐德海姆建议由斯堪的纳维亚和其他国家组成一支国际部队来监督停火。
- Those in the administration who want Hizbullah smashed for good are sceptical about an international force. 决策层中那些希望真主党瓦解的人对国际维和部队提出了质疑。
- France insists that a ceasefire precede any deployment of an international force, a position the25- member European Union supports. 法国坚持先停火,然后再部署国际(和)队。由25个成员国组成的欧盟支持法国这一立场。
- France insists that a ceasefire precede any deployment of an international force, a position the 25-member European Union supports. 法国坚持先停火,然后再部署国际(维和)部队。由25个成员国组成的欧盟支持法国这一立场。
- France i ists a ceasefire should precede any deployment of an international force, while the United States wants peacekeeping troo in place first. 法国坚持在部署任何国际部队前应当实现停火,而美国则希望先部署维和部队。
- China says it will send warships to the waters off Somalia to join an international force combating pirates operating out of the lawless African state. 中国方面表示,将派战舰到索马里附近海域,加入国际武装力量,打击以索马里这个毫无法制国家为基地的海盗。
- Israel, supported by the United States, insists that its troops stay in Lebanon, until an international force, most likely led by France, is deployed. 由美国支持的以色列坚持认为它的军队应该留在黎巴嫩,直到极有可能是法国领导的国际武装部署完毕。
- France insists a ceasefire should precede any deployment of an international force, while the United States wants peacekeeping troops in place first. 法国坚持在部署任何国际部队前应当实现停火,而美国则希望先部署维和部队。
- Kofi Annan, the UN's secretary-general, has suggested that a powerful international force might create a buffer zone in southern Lebanon. 联合国秘书长科菲-安南建议由国际维和部队在黎巴嫩南部建立一个缓冲带。
- France and Turkey have sent their top diplomats to Beirut to discuss the deployment of15,000- member international force to southern Lebanon to help keep the peace. 法国和土耳其已派出高级外交官前往贝鲁特,商讨在黎南部部署1.;5万人的国际部队协助维护和平事宜。
- France has led calls for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire. Britain has resisted, calling instead for an international force in Lebanon to make sure a truce is sustainable. 以法国为首的国家呼吁立即实现无条件停火.英国拒绝接受,提议在黎巴嫩部署一支国际部队以确保持久的停战。
- Disorder of human internal force balance is the real reason for hyperosteogeny! 针刀医学给出了答案,即:人体内力平衡失调是骨质增生的根本原因。
- France has led calls for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire. Britain has resisted, calling i tead for an international force in Lebanon to make sure a truce is sustainable. 以法国为首的国家呼吁立即实现无条件停火。英国拒绝接受,提议在黎巴嫩部署一支国际部队以确保持久的停战。
- France and Turkey have sent their top diplomats to Beirut to discuss the deployment of 15,000-member international force to southern Lebanon to help keep the peace. 法国和土尔其向贝鲁特派遣高级外交官员讨论在黎巴嫩南部部署15,000名国际武装力量以助维持和平的问题。
- Today the people throughout the country cherish the hope that international forces will gradually give China increasing help. 今天全国人民有一种希望,认为国际力量必将逐渐增强地援助中国。
- Internal Force: force applied to object inside of system by other objects outside of system. 内力:系统中物体受到的系统内部其它物体施加的力。
- Of or relating to the preservation of peace, especially the supervision by international forces of a truce between hostile nations. 维护和平的保持和平的,与维护和平有关的,尤指国际力量监督敌对国家的停火
- Based on the design load and internal force employed the content of load test is ascertained. 模型的加载测试内容按照原型桥梁设计荷载及使用内力来确定.
- Dadullah i***lamed for deadly attacks on Afghan and international forces, beheadings, and the kidnapping of foreigners. 达杜拉被控对阿富汗和国际部队发动攻击、砍头、并且绑架外国人。
- But there is much difficult to protract the bending internal force figure in rigid frame due to multitudinous reasons. 而由于种种原因,目前对刚架中弯曲内力图的绘制存在较大的困难。