- In Britain, the combination of abundant supermarket special offers and the vagaries of the international food trade make it common that air freighted food is cheaper than locally produced food. 在英国,超市供给充裕,国际食品贸易超乎常规,这使得空运食品往往比其产地更为便宜。
- The Influences of Food Label Laws to the International Food Trade 浅议食品标签法规对国际食品贸易的影响
- international food trade 食品国际贸易
- Shanghai Tari International Food Additive Co., Ltd. 上海大立食品添加剂有限公司。
- International food aid is only part of the answer to famine. 国际粮食援助只能解决部分的饥荒问题。
- There has been a slowdown in the food trade with you. 和你们的食品贸易已有所减少。
- Many young Chinese love to eat at the international food chain. 中国的很多年轻人都喜欢这个国际食品连锁店。
- Competitors in the food trade did their best to undercut each other's prices. 食品市场的竞争者们竞相压价。
- We broadly cooperated with national and international food institutes. 保证产品的营养、美味、优质。
- Nutrition and Food Sciences graduates can apply their training in food marketing, food trade and restaurant management. 培养学生具有食品营销、食品贸易、餐饮管理的技能。
- Once, the biggest bilateral food trade flowed between the United States, the world's largest food exporter, and Japan. 过去,全球最大宗双边粮食贸易,当属世界最大粮食出口国美国和日本之间的交易。
- Developed operator and technician training program for an international food plant. 为美国一家跨国食品制造商开发整套的操作和技术培训程序。
- Relevant agreements of WTO provide that the codex is the foundation for arbitrating food trade disputes. 世贸组织的有关协议确定国际食品法典标准是发生食品贸易争端仲裁的依据。
- International food aisle? You mean the one with a lot of spices like curry, herbs, and chili peppers? 国际食品区?你是说那条摆着很多象咖哩、香草、和辣椒等香料的走道吗?
- Codex Alimentarius standards are the technical rules for food safety and food trade. 国际食品法典标准是食品安全与食品贸易的技术性法规。
- Opening Ceremony of Sanya International Food Festival, Addressing from Leaders and Guests, Ribbon Cutting. 三亚国际美食节开幕、领导和嘉宾致辞剪彩。
- The international food shortage had a direct impact on Kuwait and other barren desert countries. 由于世界普遍缺乏粮食,这就直接影响到科威特和其他不毛的沙漠国家。
- A Food Safety Seminar is held for the food trade on the need for continuous improvement and collaboration with the trade on food safety. 为食物业举办食物安全研讨会,鼓励业界继续与政府合作,改善食物安全。
- French cuisine is criticized by international food philosophers as fussy, heavy, and unadventurous. 法式料理被被国际上的美食家批评为过于讲究、厚味难化且无新意。
- The food trade balance has shifted sharply against developing countries at a time of growing indebtedness and foreign exchange scarcities. 在发展国家的债务越来越重,和外汇越来越紧缺的时候,它们的粮食贸易收支状况严重恶化了。