- The International Bureau shall publish a monthly periodical. 国际局应出版月刊。
- The International Bureau shall carry out any other tasks assigned to it. 国际局应执行指定的任何其他任务。
- The Delegation thanked once again the International Bureau for that document. 该代表团再次感谢国际局编写了这份文件。
- The SCL is a signatory to the Global Mutual Recognition Arrangement for National Measurement Institutes operated by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures. 实验所是国家计量院全球互认协定的签署成员之一,该协定由国际计量局经办。
- The standard for the kilogram is a platinum-iridium cylinder kept at the International Bureau of Weights and Standards in Sevres, France. 千克的标准是指置于法国塞夫勒的国际度量及标准局的白金铱圆柱为准。
- The International Bureau shall bring the matter to the attention of the other countries of the Union. 国际局应将此事提请本联盟其他国家注意。
- It pointed to the documents prepared by the International Bureau, which spoke for themselves. 它指出由国际局准备的文件表达了它的看法。
- Provide that the International Bureau will not charge a fee for use of the service. 规定,国际局对使用该服务将不收取任何费用。
- I also wish to thank, in this regard, the highly professional staff that comprise the International Bureau. 为此,我还要感谢国际局极富专业精神的工作人员。
- The International Bureau may make changes to these materials at any time without notice. 国际局可以在不予通知的情况下随时对这些资料进行变更。
- The International Bureau's digital library will hold priority documents from Offices which do not maintain their own. 国际局的数字图书馆将存储未建立本局数字图书馆的主管局的优先权文件。
- The International Bureau shall assemble and publish information concerning the protection of industrial property. 国际局汇集有关工业产权的情报并予以公布。
- Sam Redding. Parents and Learning. International Academy of Education and International Bureau of Education. 2001. 本文依据联合国教科文组织国际教育局提供下列资料翻译,特此鸣谢。
- Any payment that reaches the International Bureau between July 1 and September 21, 2007, will be reported to the Assemblies in a separate document. 国际局于2007年7月1日至9月21日期间收到的缴款,将以另一份文件向大会报告。
- Priority documents submitted in paper form would be scanned by the International Bureau for uploading into the digital library. 以纸件形式提交的优先权文件,将由国际局扫描后,上传到数字图书馆。
- The Delegation assured the International Bureau that it intended to continue the cooperation in the years to come, following the outlined approach. 该代表团向国际局表示,它准备在今后一些年按照上述方针继续开展合作。
- The Secretariat confirmed that Offices would not be under any obligation to notify the International Bureau that documents had been published. 秘书处确认说,各主管局没有任何义务通知国际局文件已被公布。
- The explanatory notes may be modified by the International Bureau after consultation, on changes of substance, with the Consultative Group. 国际局经事先就实质性改动与协商小组协商,可对本解释性说明进行修改。
- The International Bureau is actively seeking the participation by more Offices in systems for exchanging documents in electronic form. 这4个局的PCT申请量约占全额的58%25;国际局正积极寻求更多主管局参加电子文件交换系统。
- The International Bureau is prepared for this purpose to receive such documents in electronic form or to scan them if received in paper form. 国际局准备为此目的接收电子形式的此种文件,或将接收的纸件形式的文件进行扫描。