- international and army matter 国际和军事问题
- international and army matters 国际和军事问题
- The police and army have made the border secure. 警察和军队使边界变得安全。
- PKU international and comparative law review II. 北大国际法与比较法评论2。
- Several were deprived of their Party positions and army command. 有些人被撤销了党内职务和军队指挥职务。
- He successively held the posts of brigade and army commander. 他历任旅长、军长等职。
- In the end the ruling party and army decided against. 最终,执政党和军方禁止该党组建政府。
- Our goal: To train international and professional individuals! 我们的目标:培育国际化职业化的你!
- The Taliban call the government and army American stooges. 塔利班将巴基斯坦政府和军方称为美国的走狗。
- Packaging - Containers must meet international and govt regs. 包装-包装箱必须符合国际的或政府的法规。
- International and global marketing :Taylor W.Meloan, John L.Graham. = 国际市场营销学 / 泰勒 W.;米洛安;约翰 L
- Yes. When I was a little boy,I was fond of Chinese draughts and army chess. 会的,在我小的时候,我很喜欢下跳棋和军棋。
- It is essential resolutely to reform the political and army systems. 应该决心改变政治的制度和军队的制度。
- There will be combined Air Force and Army units, or Marine and Army units. 将会有空军和陆军、或海军陆战队和陆军合为一体的建制单位。
- The configuration of internal and external packet filter and a single home bastion host provide very good security. 内部和外部包过滤器和一台单向定位的bastion主机的配置提供很好的安全性。
- Being good at internal and external auditing. 具备良好的内部审核和外部审核的资格和能力。
- Dysosma both internal and external sales Chang. 八角内外销路均畅。
- National defense and army building have made new strides in these five years. 人民军队贯彻新时期军事战略方针,实施科技强军战略。
- Interns and residents at the hospital are working 12-hour shifts. 医院里的实习医生和住院医生12小时轮班工作。
- There will be combined Air Force and Army units,or Marine and Army units. 将会有空军和陆军、或海军陆战队和陆军合为一体的建制单位。