- "An internal program exception error occurred. Retry the operation. "出现了一个内部程序异常错误。请重试操作。
- An internal program exception error occurred. Retry the operation. 出现了一个内部程序异常错误。请重试操作。
- Summer Intern Program of Jones Lang LaSalle will be initiated in recent weeks! 仲量联行将于近期启动暑期实习生计划!
- Participants in the intern program were required to write a paper analyzing the company where we were placed. 按要求,参加实习生计划的人得写一篇分析我们所在的公司的论文。
- English Program Tuition.Banff Internship Program Fees. 加强密集课程/密集课程费用.
- Q Can I have a second job while participating in an Internship program? 参加美国企业实习计划期间,我能另外再找第二份工作吗?
- Q I need a work visa. Should I apply to the International Internship program? 我需要美国工作签证,我应该要申美国企业实习与职能训练计划吗?
- An application's message loop is an internal program loop that retrieves messages from a thread's message queue, translates them, and then sends them to the application to be handled. 应用程序的消息循环是内部程序循环,它从线程的消息队列检索消息,然后转换这些消息,之后将它们发送给要处理的应用程序。
- New internship programmes might also dynamize the system. 新的实习计画可能大大影响技职系统。
- It is easy to pick up China Radio International Programs. 收听中国国际广播电台的节目很容易。
- Some internship programs accept students in high school. 一些实习项目接受高中生。
- Dick Weis is the director of international programs. 迪克.;威斯是(此校)国际计划的主任。
- Implements internal programs personally or through subordinates to improve upon communications, training, work simplification, cost reduction, etc. 独立或由下属执行内部项目,增加沟通、培训,简化工作,降低成本等。
- Barry's TESOL International program concentrates on English as an International Language (EIL). 其提供学生最新资讯、现代化教学、全球现代知识和经验为主要目标之学府;
- The CMB Summer Internship Program is a 3-month program, starting from July 2008 to September 2008. CMB暑假实习计划时长3个月,一直从2008年7月持续到9月。
- She took part in the summer internship program organized by the school but retained her current job. 她参加了学校组织的暑期挂职实习。
- No public leader of his generation was more eloquent in articulating the liberal, idealistic international program than Wilson. 在威尔逊那个时代,没有一个出众领袖在提出自由主义的,理想主义的国际纲领方面,比他更能言善辨。
- The International Program Office offers a full range of services to help students adjust culturally and academically to life in the United States. 校内国际课程办公室提供各类服务,包括协助学生适应美国大学生活、及如何应付学术课程。
- I can send him a note via the internal mail system. 我可以通过内部通信系统给他发个通知。
- The Citi Summer Internship Program provides an opportunity to also be considered in the selection process for this CMB Management Associate Program. 花旗暑假实习计划所提供的机会也是CMB管理培训计划重要参照。