- internal problem generator 内部问题发生器
- The diplomat solved the international problem by negotiating. 外交官通过谈判解决了那个国际问题。
- Meeting of all the member of the united nation to discuss international problem, where each member state have one vote. 所有联合国成员开会讨论国际问题,在此大会上每个成员国有表决权。
- His internal problems were complex and multitudinous. 他的国内问题复杂而又繁多。
- International problems must be solved by diplomacy, not war. 国际问题应通过外交途径来解决,不应诉诸战争。
- This problem generated the sequent that who should be chose and how to choose. of global problems is still an unknown number(UNKNOWN本身就有未知数的意思).
- The recent hijacking has shifted attention away from internal problems. 最近的劫机转移了人们对国内问题的注意力。
- It is the basis for the solution of our external and internal problems. 它是解决国际国内问题的基础。
- The two nations have according voices on this international problem. 这两个国家在这个国际问题上的意见一致。
- Afghanistan is not simply an American problem, it is an international problem. 阿富汗并不只是美国的问题,而是一个国际问题。”
- intelligent optimization test problem generator 智能优化测试问题产生器
- The Chinese regard the tensions in Tibet as an internal problem and chafe at foreign support for the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader forced to flee Tibet when the 1959 uprising was crushed. 中国认为西藏事务是中国内政,对外国对达赖喇嘛的支持感到愤怒。1959年暴乱失败后,精神领袖达赖喇嘛被迫逃离西藏。
- The company was barely able to break even last year because of all the internal problems. 虽然内部问题重重,这家公司还是做到了盈亏平衡。
- Economic development is at the core of these tasks; It is the basis for the solution of our external and internal problems. 这三大任务中,核心是经济建设,它是解决国际国内问题的基矗。
- "And frankly, it is not just an American problem, it is an international problem. 而且坦率地说,经济问题不仅是美国的问题,它还是一个国际问题。
- During the talk they reviewed international problems of mutual interest. 在会谈中,他们讨论了共同关心的国际问题。
- Archetypes do not describe any one problem specifically.They describe families of problems generically. 这些基模不是特定地描述某一问题,而是叙述一系列的问题。
- We could take the idea a step further. These principles could probably help solve some of a country's internal problems as well. 现在进一步考虑,和平共处的原则用之于解决一个国家内部的某些问题,恐怕也是一个好办法。
- I look at this problem from a different viewpoint. 我从不同的观点来看这个问题。
- By controlling the cadences of business developing and solving the internal problems during steadily developing will Ping An has a bright future. 如果改善了这些问题适应了企业发展的节奏,平安人寿保险公司将会有非常光明的前景。