- The present development of internal pressure vessel NDT is dealt with. And emphasis is laid on the current situation of RT. UT. MT. 介绍了国内压力容器无损检测技术的现状及射线、超声、磁粉和渗透检测的近况。
- A nomography used for internal pressure vessel design and collation is provided,the way for the special uses and the range are also introduced . 绘制了内压容器设计与校核专用图,介绍了其使用方法及适用范围。
- Based on the netting theory,the balance equations of the filament-wound toroidal pressure vessel under the internal pressure were derived. 基于网格理论,得到了纤维缠绕圆环压力容器在内压作用下的平衡方程。
- A calculated example is given, in which the optimum design data are provided for the filament wound pressure vessel under internal pressure and every moment in the whole process of the sudden inne. 作为算例,对玻璃纤维缠绕增强塑料压力容器在内压及其内部介质温度突变到稳定温度场全过程逐时刻的不同工况,进行优化设计。
- external pressure vessel tested by internal pressure 外压内试
- Our pressure vessel is licensed product. 我厂生产的压力容器是授权生产产品。
- Thinness wall internal pressure vessels 薄壁内压容器
- The Analysis of the Pressure Tests of the Internal Pressure Vessel Needn't Check the Stress 内压容器压力试验无须校核应力的分析
- Reliability range of steel thin-wall internal pressure vessel fuzzy static strength during pressure test 压力试验时钢制薄壁内压容器模糊静强度的可靠度
- Research on Probability Distribution of Burst Pressure for the Thin-steel-wall Internal Pressure Vessel 钢制薄壁内压容器爆破压力的概率分布研究
- The paper presents the design criteria and method for arresting crack and burst of the internal pressured vessels of big pipes with circular surface crack by arched strip and wound wire. 本文介绍了含有表面环向裂纹的内压简体及大型管道采用轴向加弧形务板与钢丝缠绕的止裂、抑爆设计原则及设计方法。
- Our pressure vessel is a licensed product. 我们的压力容器许可产品。
- A container capable of withstanding high internal pressure. 高压贮罐能承受很高的内部压力的容器
- Three-Dimension Finite Element Analysis and Strength Calculation of the Rectangle Big-Opening Nozzles on the Shell of an Internal Pressure Vessel 内压容器壳体上矩形大开孔接管三维有限元分析与强度计算
- Reduce internal pressure in oil / NLS spill tank. 减少泄漏油舱内部压力。
- High Pressure Vessel Design Construction Principles. 高压容器设计制造原理。
- High pressure vessel installed in Xiangtang fertilizer factory. 安装在向塘化肥厂的高压容器。
- Hold Pressure Vessel Operation Permit would be preferalbe. 有压力容器操作许可证优先。
- Uniform Boiler and Pressure Vessel Laws Society, Inc. 压力锅炉法律协会。