- internal connecting link [法] 内在联系
- The only real connecting link was the monarch himself. 唯一的实际联系是君主本人。
- This phrase often serves as a connecting link in its context. 这个短语起承前启后的作用。
- This phrase serves as a connecting link between the preceding and the following. 这个短语起到了承上启下的作用。
- Here was a real social opportunity knocking at his very door-a connecting link to one of the very best families! 这简直是把高攀的机会送上门来,这可是跟最有名望的人家沾上关系的一条线索啊!
- Chaucer served as a historical connecting link between the medieval Britain and Renaissance. 乔叟在中世纪的英国与文艺复兴之间 ,担当了承上启下的历史重任。
- Chaucer serves as a historical connecting link between the medieval Britain and Renaissance. 乔叟在中世纪的英国与文艺复兴之间 ,担当起了启下的历史重任。
- Connecting Link was getting well established, and Barbara had made some three hundred tapes with the Pleiadians. 连接发行很好,而芭芭拉已经发行约三百卷昴宿星人磁带。
- Since love is the connecting link between people, only to spread love everywhere, life will change for the better. 因为爱是连接人与人之间的纽带,只有把爱处处撒播,生活才会变的更美好。
- The first international connections, to Norway and England, were added in1973. 在1973年进行了第一次与挪威和英国的国际连接。
- Sinclair Lewis stands almost alone as the connecting link between muckraking novelists of the progressive era and social novelists of the New Deal period. 辛克莱?刘易斯,几乎是进步时代揭发黑幕的小说家和新政时期社会小说家之间唯一承上启下的人物。
- While measuring central value resistance with traditional voltammetry, either the internal connecting method or external connecting method of an ammeter brings system errors of measurement results. 摘要指出传统伏安法测量中值电阻时,由于电流表的内接法或外接法会给测量结果带来系统误差。
- So, Boccaccio is a character that form a connecting link between the preceding and the following in the early history of the bourgeoisie thoughts. 因此可以说卜加丘在早期资产阶级思想史上具有承上启下的地位。
- It is the present that serves as a connecting link between the past and the future to bring about continuty,eternity and a boundless big whole. “过去”“未来”的中间全仗有“现在”以成其连续,以成其永远,以成其无始无终的大实在。
- You see, the subconscious mind is the connecting link between the Creator and ourselves, between Universal Mind and our conscious mind. (你知道,潜意识是连接上帝和我们自己之间的纽带,是介于意识与宇宙意识之间的意识形态。
- The start and stop of the machine are carried out by a multiple-disk clutch and the reciprocation of the ram is achieved by a crank connecting link. 本机床的启动与停止用一多片式离合器控制,滑枕的往复运动通过曲柄连杆机构实现。
- Gets or sets a string that contains the name of the data provider associated with the internal connection string. 获取或设置一个字符串,该字符串包含与内部连接字符串关联的数据提供程序的名称。
- He served as a connecting link between the Friends of the ABC and other still unorganized groups, which were destined to take form later on. 他在“ABC的朋友们”和其他一些还没有具体成立、要到后来才形成的组织之间,起着联络作用。
- The first international connections to ARPANET are established. 阿帕网第一次建立了国际联系。
- The only machine we know of that can reshape its internal connections is the living gray tissue we call the brain. 我们知道的唯一一台能重塑自己的内部连接的机器就是我们称为大脑的活体灰质组织。