- internal closing bracket 内闭括号
- Note that you need an exclamation point after the opening bracket, but not before the closing bracket. 要注意感叹号是写在前尖括号之后,而非后尖括号之前。
- It often begins with a closing bracket, an exclamation point. And this is the standard way. 它通常是以一个对角符号;一个感叹号开始.;这是标准的写法
- The class name is not valid. Class names cannot contain the following characters: open bracket ([), close bracket (]), quotation mark ("), single quote ('), back slash (\\), forward slash (/). 类名称无效。类名称不能包含下列字符:左方括号 ([)、右方括号 (])、引号 (")、单引号 (')、反斜杠 (\\\)、正斜杠 (/)。
- The field name is not valid. Field names must not contain any of the following characters: open bracket ([), close bracket (]), quotation mark ("), single quote ('), back slash (\\), forward slash (/). 字段名称无效。字段名称不能包含下列字符:左方括号 ([)、右方括号 (])、引号 (")、单引号 (')、反斜杠 (\\\)、正斜杠 (/)。
- The instance name is not valid. Instance names cannot contain the following characters: open bracket ([), close bracket (]), quotation mark ("), single quote ('), back slash (\\), forward slash (/). 实例名无效。实例名不能包含下列字符:左方括号 ([)、右方括号 (])、引号 (")、单引号 (')、反斜杠 (\\\)、正斜杠 (/)。
- The rule name is not valid. Rule names must not contain any of the following characters: open bracket ([), close bracket (]), quotation mark ("), single quote ('), back slash (\\), forward slash (/). 规则名称无效。规则名称不能包含下列字符:左方括号 ([)、右方括号 (])、引号 (")、单引号 (')、反斜杠 (\\\)、正斜杠 (/)。
- The specified delivery channel name is not valid. Delivery channel names cannot contain the following characters: open bracket ([), close bracket (]), quotation mark ("), single quote ('), back slash (\\), forward slash (/). 指定的传送通道名称无效。传送通道名称不能包含下列字符:开始方括号 ([)、结束方括号 (])、引号 (")、单引号 (')、反斜杠 (\\\)、正斜杠 (/)。
- The specified protocol name is not valid. Protocol names cannot contain the following characters: open bracket ([), close bracket (]), quotation mark ("), single quote ('), back slash (\\), forward slash (/). 指定的协议名称无效。协议名称不能包含下列字符:左方括号 ([)、右方括号 (])、引号 (")、单引号 (')、反斜杠 (\\\)、正斜杠 (/)。
- The specified provider name is not valid. Provider names cannot contain the following characters: open bracket ([), close bracket (]), quotation mark ("), single quote ('), back slash (\\), forward slash (/). 指定的提供程序名称无效。提供程序名称不能包含下列字符:左方括号 ([)、右方括号 (])、引号 (")、单引号 (')、反斜杠 (\\\)、正斜杠 (/)。
- The application name is not valid. Application names cannot contain the following characters: open bracket ([), close bracket (]), quotation mark ("), single quote ('), back slash (\\), forward slash (/). 应用程序名称无效。应用程序名称不能包含下列字符:左方括号 ([)、右方括号 (])、引号 (")、单引号 (')、反斜杠 (\\\)、正斜杠 (/)。
- optional internal close juncture 任意性内部关音渡(/|/)
- optional internal close junction 任意性内部开音渡
- obligatory internal close juncture 限制性内部关音渡
- Do not use brackets when searching for exclamation points (!) Or closing brackets (]). 搜索感叹号(!)或右方括号(])时,请不要使用方括号。
- To search for a pair of opening and closing brackets ([]), you must enclose both characters in brackets, like so: [[]]. 要搜索一对左右方括号([]),必须将这两个字符用方括号括起来,如[[]]。
- This way, syntax errors such as un-matched closing brackets do not go haywire and corrupt anything past a single block. 这样,象不匹配的右括号这样的语法错误就不会失控和影响单个块之外的东西。
- I can send him a note via the internal mail system. 我可以通过内部通信系统给他发个通知。
- The convoy commodore sees to the internal management of the convoy. 舰队司令官负责管理舰队的内部问题。
- This is not the season for internal quarrels. 现在不是内部相争的时候。