- A chill struck into the narrow of his bones. 他感到一股寒意,透入骨髓。
- The sight sent a chill to her heart. 这情景使她心寒。
- There was a chill in the air this morning. 今天早上有点冷冰冰的。
- Chill winds swept in from the north. 阵阵寒风从北方刮来。
- Take a chill pill, man. Please listen to me. 冷静一下,老兄,听我说。
- Application of Internal Chill on the Deep Thickness and Large-scale Cast Steel Parts 内冷铁在厚大铸钢件生产中的应用
- The wind struck a chill into my bones. 风吹得我寒冷彻骨。
- The new theory had a chill welcome. 这一新理论遭到冷遇。
- I can send him a note via the internal mail system. 我可以通过内部通信系统给他发个通知。
- The bad news cast a chill over us all. 这坏消息使我们大家都感到沮丧。
- The chill of autumn is in the air. 秋天的寒意到处感觉得到。
- He was out in the rain and caught a chill. 他在外面淋了雨,著了凉。
- The bad news put a chill on the celebration. 坏消息使得庆祝大大扫兴。
- The convoy commodore sees to the internal management of the convoy. 舰队司令官负责管理舰队的内部问题。
- Let the pudding chill for an hour. 把布丁冰镇一小时。
- She retires to bed at the least suspicion of a chill. 她只要觉得有一点寒意就去睡觉。
- This is not the season for internal quarrels. 现在不是内部相争的时候。
- I talked to him on the internal telephone. 我在内部电话上与他交谈。
- There was a rapid increase in internal trade. 国内贸易迅速增长。
- A tube with a very small internal diameter. 毛细管一根内径十分细小的管子