- The process of internal secretion characteristic of endocrine glands. 内分泌内分泌腺特有的分泌过程
- Be good for ovary and matrix, balance internal secretion and slim the body. 对卵巢和子宫很有帮助,平衡内分泌,调理身体机能,健美瘦身。
- Treatment dysmenorrhea, adjustment internal secretion, improvement skin color. 治疗痛经、调节内分泌、改善肤色。
- Yoga can change externality and internal secretion and metabolism of the body if someone keep on practice it well-regulated. 如果一个人很规律地练习瑜伽,瑜伽就能改变身体的外在体型,也能调整身体的内分泌和新陈代谢。
- Eliminate free radical, improve immunity, optimize internal secretion, resist lipofuscin and keep nutrient balance. 清除自由基、增强免疫力、调节内分泌、抑制脂褐素、保持营养平衡。
- Royal jelly is a well-known high-effective nurture that can strengthen body resistance, delay caducity, and adjust internal secretion. 蜂王浆是一种广为人知的高效保健品,具有增强抵抗力,延缓衰老,调节内分泌等功效。
- Promotion skin metabolism, prevent the pigmentation. Regularize internal secretion, nourish and beautify the face and the skin. 促进皮肤新陈代谢,防止色素形成;调节内分泌;滋润皮肤,美容养颜。
- Environmental hormone disturb the mechanism of internal secretion, make it malajustment, encumber the procreation of organism or bring the malignancy. 环境激素干扰内分泌代谢机制,造成内分泌失调,可能阻碍生物体生殖功能或引发恶性肿瘤;
- Shi S Q,Dong L,Chen Y C,Feng D D.1988.Changes of reproductive internal secretion levels in female giant pandas during oestrus. 李春;魏辅文;李明;刘雪卿;杨智;胡锦矗.;2003
- The monophasic models include secretion theory, electro-osmotic theory, osmotic theory and osmotic standing gradient theories. 单相模型包括分泌理论、电渗理论、渗透理论和渗透持续梯度理论。
- It is recorded by Essential Oil Complete Works that rose essential oil can regulate internal secretion and relieve tension. Furthermore, it is a love potion. 《精油全书》中记载玫瑰精油有调节女性内分泌,减缓精神压力,催情作用。
- We chatted in the room gossipping and revealing each other internal secrets. 我们在房间里谈天说地,互挖疮疤,聊朋友的八卦事。
- Adopted the natural and pure essencial oil and strongly fragrant milk powder etc, it can adjust internal secretion, maintain ovary and relax body and with Aromatic, Reflection and Chinese difital-point therapeutics. 采用天然、精纯的芳香精油等材料,配合芳香疗法、发射学疗法以及穴位疗法,有效调理内分泌、养护卵巢,放松身心。
- Effect: The promotion blood circulation, the adjustment internal secretion, promotes the feminine hormone secretion, strengthens the womb function, alleviates the menstruation ache, maintains the. 功效:促进血液循环,调节内分泌,促进女性荷尔蒙分泌,强化子宫机能,缓解月经疼痛,养护子宫。
- It may evaluate female procreate bility and diagnose women internal secretion abnormity,further more on overian damage or assistant bearing or overian transplant have new development. 结果卵巢功能检测手段多种多样,不仅用于评估女性生殖系统生育功能,还用于诊断女性内分泌疾病,同时在卵巢损害、辅助生育技术及卵巢移植上也有新的发展。
- Mood stable internal secretion balanced very important, has the woman who a temperate width cares about is very beautiful, not only actually also and in one kind of psychological impression. 情绪稳定对内分泌平衡十分重要,拥有一颗温和宽容心的女人是十分美丽的,其实也并不只是一种心理上的印象。
- Eg.6 Endocrinology is defined as the study of the ductless or endocrine glands and their internal secretions. 内分泌学的定义是:研究没有导管的或称内分泌性的腺体及其内分泌液的科学。
- Saliva is secretion of the salivary glands. 唾液是唾液腺的分泌物。
- The secretion of bile is useful for our bodies. 胆汁的分泌对我们的身体很有用处。
- Endocrinology is defined as the study of the ductless or endocrine glands and their internal secretions. 内分泌学的定义是:研究无管腺或称内分泌腺及它们的内分泌的科学。