- IS-IS Intermediate System to Intermediate System 中间系统到中间系统
- Intermediate System to Intermediate System 中间系统到中间系统协议
- System to Intermediate System Protocol 末端系统-中间系统协议
- Intermediate System Mock-up Loop 中间系统模型环
- intermediate system to intermediate syst 中间系统到中间系统协议
- However, intermediation system has many shortages and objections in present litigant mode. 但是,在现行的诉讼模式中调解制度还存在着诸多不足和缺陷。
- Butthe intermediation system has not resolved well on the construction of theories andthe practice to operate . 但是调解制度在理论构建和实践操作上都没有得到很好解决。
- The second part is a summary explanation to the court house intermediation system. 全文共分为六个部分:第一部分引言简要地说明选择调解制度作为研究对象的原因。
- Serving MD-IS---Serving Mobile Data Intermediate System 服务移动数据媒介系统
- The sixth part is the end part.The writer reemphasis the purpose of writing this paper and the importance of court house intermediation system. 第六部分结语再次重申了写作本文的目的和法院调解制度在现代纠纷解决机制中的重要作用。
- Speak up from this meaning, build up existing the certain rationality with the continuously perfect administration litigation intermediation system then and inevitability. 从这个意义上讲,建立和不断完善行政诉讼调解制度则存在一定的合理性和必然性。
- According to the reform assumption and suggestion stated above, the writer hopes intermediation system can be more perfectible in judgment practice of court. 通过上述对调解制度提出的改革和建议,希望能够使调解制度在法院的审判实践中更加完善。
- MD-IS Mobile Data Intermediate System 移动数据中间系统
- I suppose you also have a caste system in your society. 我想你们的社会里也有一种等级制度。
- ES-IS End System to Intermediate System protocol 末端系统-中间系统协议
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。
- Do you know how to log in to the system? 你知道怎么登录进入这个系统吗?
- Public opinion was against the old feudal system. 公众舆论反对旧的封建制度。
- The system works on the principle that heat rises. 该项装置是按照热力上升的原理运转的。
- The drainage system has been aged. 排水系统已经老化了。