- Apply for and so on if self-distrust is necessary completely to request intermediary company! 申请之类的假如没有信心完全有必要拜托给中介公司!
- The 3rd kind is inn of the estate intermediary company that has hypostatic storefront's enlightened on the net net of house property intermediary. 第三类是拥有实体店面的房地产中介公司在网上开通的房产中介网店。
- Its Central Plains because, the likelihood is former owner and intermediary company were colluded with, raise up the price of make a false report, can earn intermediary fee more. 其中原因,可能是原业主与中介公司串通了,虚报抬价,可以多赚中介费。
- It is understood that there had been an intermediary company launched remand old buy new business, but for various reasons, so the business does not produce the desired results. 据了解,以前曾有中介公司推出了押旧买新业务,但是由于种种原因,至今这项业务并未取得预想的效果。
- Six security rental teach you how to find good ideas intermediary companies? 安全租房教你六条妙计怎样找到好的中介公司?
- Be in Japan, a lot of enterprises and talent intermediary company are the relation that cooperates for a long time, the demand of invite applications for a job of the enterprise is released to intermediary directly. 在日本,很多企业和人才中介公司是长期合作的关系,企业的招聘需求直接向中介发布。
- Lee Durrant know hoodwinked, hurried to the housing intermediary companies, has been taking people housing space. 李小姐知道自己上当受骗了,马上赶到房屋中介公司,已是人走屋空。
- Faster transaction cancelled, would lead to a number of intermediary companies in the "no-metre fuel" situation. 期房交易的取消,在很大程度上将导致一些中介公司“无米下锅”的情形。
- However some intermediary companies making up the "underwritten" services to reap huge profits. 由于目前房地产市场政策连连,银行又收紧了贷款门槛。
- Siping Road junction in the country, also immediately met with failure Fung, 23,000, six intermediary companies. 而在四平路国年路口也紧挨着开了润峰、申城等六家中介公司。
- Intermediary companies that supply the daily work of collecting and collating information. 中介公司的日常工作就是房源信息的搜集和整理。
- This year both the developers or agents, and intermediary companies, consortia Wang tendency more evident. 今年无论是开发商,还是代理商,乃至中介公司,合纵连横的倾向更为明显。
- Xiaoxiansheng many intermediary companies in the placement of some "informants", while leaving their own contact. 肖先生在许多中介公司中安插了一些“线人”,同时留下自己的联系方式。
- The response to this market and the major changes, how to face what intermediary companies? 而对这一市场的反应和重大变化,中介公司又该怎样去面对呢?
- It's sad that we have to part company with them. 很遗憾我们要与他们分别了。
- China Daheng ??, beautiful homes, and other intermediary companies also experienced the same difficulties. 中大恒基、美丽家园等中介公司也遭遇了同样的困境。
- The new chairman will shake up the company. 新任董事长将改组这家公司。
- Filed Metro, healthy Lido two small shops almost all the intermediary companies to operate. 望族新城、康健丽都两个小区的商铺几乎都是由中介公司来经营。
- Lee Durrant see a Jinbang Housing and Housing issued by the information intermediary companies found themselves with a house. 李小姐看到一则金邦房屋中介公司发布的房屋买卖信息,发现一处自己满意的房子。
- Shanghai intermediary companies increasingly fierce competition between, intermediary services Bipin will be the main picture industry this year. 上海中介公司之间的竞争日趋激烈,服务的比拚将成为中介行业今年的主要看点。