- The subepithelial connective tissue penetrated the pineal body forming interlobular septum,and separated the pineal body to parenchymal lobules. 上皮下结缔组织伸入松果体形成小叶间隔,将松果体分隔为许多实质小叶。
- A few nodules are visible in relation to interlobular septa. 少数结节位于小叶间隔。
- Nodular thickening of interlobular septa and fissures can be seen in this disease and lymphangitic spread of carcinoma. 结节样的小叶间隔和叶间裂增厚也可见于癌性淋巴管病。
- Thickened interlobular septa are visible bilaterally and are associated with distortion of lung architecture. 增厚的小叶间隔可见于双侧,并肺结构变形。
- Thickened interlobular septa are isible bilaterally and are associated with distortion of lung architecture. 增厚的小叶间隔可见于双侧,并肺结构变形。
- All scans show marked smooth thickening of interlobular septa inoling both lungs in a symmetrical fashion. 所有的扫描层面均显示双侧对称性的小叶间隔均匀增厚。
- In addition, the nodules are patchy in distribution and predominate in relation to thickened interlobular septa. 另外,结节呈斑片状分布,大多和增厚的小叶间隔相关。
- Nodular thickening of interlobular septa can be seen in lymphangitic carcinomatosis, sarcoidosis, and silicosis. 讨论:结节样小叶间隔增厚可见于癌性淋巴管炎、结节病和矽肺。
- Nodules in the interlobular septa, and in the centrilobular regions are seen in some cases. 部分病例可见小叶间隔及小叶中心区结节。
- All scans show marked smooth thickening of interlobular septa involving both lungs in a symmetrical fashion. 所有的扫描层面均显示双侧对称性的小叶间隔均匀增厚。
- Marked thickening of interlobular septa predominantly inoling the lung bases is isible on both supine and prone scans. 显著增厚的小叶间隔主要位于肺的基低部,仰卧位和俯卧位均可见(见图3、图5)。
- All scans show marked thickening of interlobular septa inoling the right lung;the left lung appears normal. 所有的扫描层面显示右肺显著增厚的小叶间隔,左肺正常。
- Peribronchovascular nodules are visible.Nodules in relation to the interlobular septa and centrilobular regions are also seen. 支气管血管周围亦可见结节,亦可见于小叶间隔及中心区。
- Peribronchoascular nodules are isible.Nodules in relation to the interlobular septa and centrilobular regions are also seen. 支气管血管周围亦可见结节,亦可见于小叶间隔及中心区。
- Marked thickening of interlobular septa predominantly involving the lung bases is visible on both supine and prone scans. 小叶间隔显著增厚,主要见于肺底部,仰卧和俯卧均可见。
- Typically, hematogenous metastases lack the specific relationship to the peribronchovascular interstitium and interlobular septa seen in patients with lymphangitic carcinomatosis. 典型的血行性转移少见癌性淋巴管炎的支气管血管周围和小叶间隔改变。
- HRCT could further document the ground glass opacity in the lung,thickened interlobular septa or pleura or beaded septal thickening as well as calcifications along the bronchovascular bundles. HRCT则可进一步显示肺野磨砂玻璃样改变 ,小叶间隔、叶间胸膜及支气管血管束钙化密度与串珠状增厚 ,小叶中心分布的微细结节与胸膜下蜂窝。
- Both scans show smooth thickening of interlobular septa inoling both lungs symmetrically. Note that the septal thickening is most obious in dependent lung, adjacent to the diaphragm. 两层面均显示双肺小叶间隔平滑的增厚。靠近横膈的下垂部位肺野的小叶间隔增厚最明显。
- Peribronchoascular nodules are clearly seen, and numerous nodules surround the central bronchi and essels.Nodules in relation to the interlobular septa and centrilobular regions are also seen. 支气管血管周围结节清晰可见,大量的结节包绕支气管及血管周围,小叶中心及小叶间隔亦可见。
- Both scans show smooth thickening of interlobular septa involving both lungs symmetrically. Note that the septal thickening is most obvious in dependent lung, adjacent to the diaphragm. 两层面均显示双肺小叶间隔平滑的增厚。靠近横膈的下垂部位肺野的小叶间隔增厚最明显。