- The world's first vast interior space. 世界上第一所最大的室内场所。
- The pagoda form is intended mainly as a monument and has very little usable interior space. 佛塔被故意设计为纪念碑的形式,内部可使用的空间很
- The Clubman version is probably the most extreme example of this with its longer wheelbase and more interior space. 花花公子版的可能是最极端的例子,这与它的长轴距和更多的内部空间。
- The form of interior space varying from day to day, interior designer have been developing and advancing. 室内空间的形式已经日新月异,在此条件下,室内空间设计在不断发展和前进。
- Furniture wants fewer but better, use interior space ably, had better be muti_function, knockdown. 家具要少而精,合理巧妙地利用室内空间,最好是多功能、组合式的。
- The inner courtyard will be roofed over at the height of the second story so as to create an enclosed interior space. 庭院内将超过在屋顶的高度,第二个故事,以便创造一个封闭的室内空间。
- The concrete shell provides a column-free interior space, optimizing the project's programmatic needs. 混凝土外壳创造了一个无柱的室内空间,满足了该项目的功能需求。
- The building and the interior space are of traditional styles of Han,Yi,Bai and Tibetan nationality cultures. 驿栈的建筑及室内设计采用了汉族、纳西族、白族、藏族等民族的装饰风格。
- Other carefully studied openings 襜omb?the interior space with direct sun light. 在其他精心设计的开口处也由直射的日光“炸开”内部空间。
- In the final analysis this paper deliberates Chinese traditional interior space compartmentation. 本文归根结底就是在设计实践中对传统的思考。
- At the moment, the GRG walls in the interior space and the landscape are under construction. 目前正在进行内部的GRG墙体以及景观石材铺装工作。
- More important is, elevatory platform makes interior space becomes rich, have interest sex more. 更重要的是,升高的地台令室内空间变得丰富,更具趣味性。
- The structure punctuates the interior space, while creating an atmosphere conducive to reflection. 同样这样的建筑结构也打破了传统的室内布局,创造了一个有利于反思的场所。
- The interior space is fine. It is actully larger inside than the external dimensions would say. Front leg space is good, rear leg space is adequate. 内部空间不错,实际上比从外面看的大的多,腿部空间很好,后面的腿部空间足够。
- Omited as far as possible the setting of partition, maintained interior space appear a gender, avoided the supersaturation on the vision. 尽量省略了隔墙的设置,保持了室内空间的通透性,避免了视觉上的过度饱和。
- "Interior space " the mainest essential factor in the 3 element that element is interior design, it is the incorporeal place of interior design. “室内空间”要素是室内设计的三要素中最基本的要素,是室内设计的灵魂所在。
- The balcony is the good place that arranges domestic garden, it conduces to the microclimate that improves interior space, as the base of an afforest. 阳台是布置家庭花园的理想场所,它有助于改善室内空间的小气候,作为一个绿化的基地。
- Already can environment of beautification life space, can conduce to the microclimate that improves interior space again. 既能美化生活空间环境,又能有助于改善室内空间的小气候。
- Shutter shade is ventilated permeability is can good, adjustable indoor illumination intensity, apply to concise and lively interior space especially. 百叶窗帘通风透气性能好、可调节室内光照强度,尤其适用于简洁明快的室内空间。
- Shanghai Dube Office Creative Park occupies 5, 555 square meters of land, with total 12,000 square meters in interior space available for rent. 上海渡边奥菲斯创意园区占地面积5555平方米,总建筑面积约为12000平方米,,集航运物流、涉外办公、资讯服务、休闲娱乐、时尚消费为一体,设施先进,功能完善。