- interfaeial debonding 界面剥离
- Debonding was detected for hot water immersions. 热水浸泡后能检验出脱粘。
- A double trapezoidal specimen will generate shear debonding. 双梯形的试样将产生切变脱胶现象。
- The ARI was reduced from 70.8% to 26.4% after laser debonding . ,激光辅助去托槽可以显著减少牙面的粘结剂残留,由70.;8%25降为 26
- The market panic mood will possibly obtain certain debonding. 市场的恐慌情绪可能会得到一定舒解。”
- Debonding and pull-out of fibre from an elastic matrix were analysed. 本文分析了纤维从弹性基体中的脱粘与拔出,得到纤维初始脱粘应力。
- Sunggyul,Regarajan R.Solid phase graft copolymerization-effect of interfaeial agent[J].J.appl.Polym.Sci,190,(41):1891. 姚瑜;张军;王晓琳.;聚丙烯固相接枝改性研究进展[J]
- In composite laminates there are four basic failure modes: matrix cracking, delamination, fiber breakage and debonding. 复合材料层合板中存在四种基本的失效模式,即:基体开裂、分层、纤维断裂及脱粘。
- Debonding at CFRP plate and adhesive interface is a common failure mode for NSM CFRP plate to concrete. 摘要板-胶剥离破坏是混凝土表层嵌贴CFRP板条加固方式常见的破坏形式。
- Energy release rate of interface debonding in ceramic composites is caculated by FEM. 用有限元法计算了陶瓷基复合材料界面脱粘的能量释放率。
- The failure pattern of prestressed AFRP sheets is fracture, but that of non-prestressed AFRP sheets is debonding. 承载力极限状态时,预应力梁为纤维布的断裂破坏,非预应力梁发生布与混凝土间局部脱粘破坏。
- The interfacial debonding of particulate-reinforced polymeric material is studied in this paper. 研究了含二相粒子聚合物材料中粒子界面脱粘问题。
- The paper researches into the effective properties of short fiber composite with the fiber-end debonding. 利用自洽有限元法研究了在纤维端点界面脱粘的短纤维复合材料的有效弹性性能问题。
- The main fracture modes of RWPHC included pullout of glass fiber, broken of glass fiber and interfacial debonding. 玻璃纤维增强木塑复合材料的主要破坏模式为玻璃纤维的拔出、玻璃纤维断裂、界面脱粘等。
- The results show that the failure types include break of CFRP and debonding between CFRP and steel plate. 试验结果表明:复合材料的破坏形式为碳纤维布被拉断或碳纤维布与钢板发生剥离破坏;
- Objective:To explore the possibility of laser aided debonding for removing orthodontic metallic brackests. 目的:探讨激光去除正畸金属托槽的可行性。
- The effects on the control the static deformation due to par tial debonding of PZT actuators are analyzed by the finite element metho... 数值结果表明,压电驱动器部分脱粘会减弱其驱动效率,从而影响对结构静变形控制的能力和精度。
- The FRP-to-concrete interfacial debonding is a fundamental key problem for the strengthening of RC structures with externally bonded FRP. 粘贴FRP加固混凝土结构的界面剥离问题是FRP加固混凝土结构技术的关键基础问题。
- A double circular column model with partial debonding interface is established for composites reinforced by long shape memory alloy (SMA) fibers. 摘要构造了一个考虑部分界面开脱情况下SMA长纤维复合材料的双圆柱模型。
- The physical and chemical mechanism of propellant / liner interface debonding failure is one of the most important part of the rocket engine failure. 推进剂/衬层界面脱粘失效的物理、化学机理研究是火箭发动机装药失效机理研究的重要部分之一。