- The interest paid on the bond is usually called "coupon" payment. 债券的利息付给方式通常是利用“息票”。
- Worry is interest paid on trouble before it falls due. 担忧,是在麻烦(事)到期之前所负的利息。
- During 2005 06, the total interest paid amounts to 180,000. 在2005 06年度所支付的利息总额为180,000。
- The total interest paid in 2005 06 amounts to 80,000. 在2005 06年度支付的利息总额为80,000。
- Are the children eligible to claim deduction of the home loan interest paid? 子女是否符合资格申索扣除所缴付的居所贷款利息?
- Effective interest rate The true rate of interest paid on an installment loan. 有效利率,实际利率对一笔分期偿付的贷款所支付的实际利率。
- A withholding tax is withheld from a foreign corporation and levied on interest paid on loans. 预扣赋税是从国外公司的收入中扣除的、对支付贷款的利息所课征的一种税收。
- Also, interest paid on bonds is a tax deductible business expense for the corporation. 另外,债券的利息属于公司的营业开支,可以减税。
- In normal circumstances, the taxpayer is entitled to the deduction of the home loan interest paid by him. 在一般情况下,该纳税人可获得扣除他所缴付的居所贷款利息。
- Is interest paid on loan for acquisition of a dwelling situated overseas tax deductible? 为购买海外的住宅而缴付的贷款利息是否可在计算税项时获得扣除?
- Worry, the interest paid by those who borrow trouble. Every man is the architect of his own fortune. 焦虑,是那些招惹麻烦的人应该付的利息。每个人都是他自己运气的建筑师。
- He claims a deduction for mortgage interest paid on the dwelling totalling 180,000. 他申索扣除就该住宅所支付的按揭利息合共180,000。
- Is the penalty interest paid to bank for early redemption of the dwelling deductible? 为了提早赎回住宅而向银行缴付的罚息是否可在计算税项时获得扣除?
- Deferrable participating loan A loan used by IFC whereby the interest paid is linked to the profits of the company. 可递延参与贷款国际金融公司发放的一种贷款,其利息与公司的利润相挂钩。
- Epps, referring to the deduction for interest paid on mortgages and the credit for first-time home buyers. 他指的是抵押贷款利息的减少和首次置业者的抵税。
- The dwelling was acquired by a mortgage loan 3 years ago. The mortgage interest paid during this 3-month period amounted to 30,000. 该住宅于3年前以按揭贷款购买在上述3个月期间所支付的按揭利息为30,000。
- The amount of Home Loan Interest paid by each of you is computed according to your respective share of ownership in the dwelling. 在计税时,你和配偶所缴付的居所贷款利息,是根据各自所占业权的比例分摊。
- His interest in photography is only a passing fad. 他对摄影的爱好仅是一时的兴致。
- You will not get full deduction of the interest paid under the re-mortgaged loan, if only part of it was applied for repayment of the original loan. 如果超过,则你再按揭所缴付的贷款利息不会得到全数扣除。计算方法是根据原来贷款尚欠的馀数,对比新贷款额按比例扣除。
- As a result, the total interest cost over the life of the bonds is equal to the interest paid minus the amount of the premium. 最终,在债券发行期内的利息成本总额等于支付的利息减溢价金额。