- intercity rail travel 城市间火车
- Rail travel is cheaper than air travel. 乘火车旅行要比乘飞机便宜。
- Rail travel to Prague costs only slightly less than going by air. 坐火车去布拉格旅行只是比坐飞机便宜一点点。
- The planning and research of the intercity rail network of Yangtze River Delta is arousing great attention. 摘要长三角城际轨道交通网络的规划研究正引起越来越多人的关注。
- Rail travel to my hometown costs only slightly less than going by air. 坐火车到我家乡仅仅比坐飞机便宜一点点而已。
- Rail traveller is complained about rising fare. 铁路乘客抱怨车票涨价。
- There will be prolonged delays for rail travellers. 乘火车的旅客要长时间受阻.
- Guangfo intercity rail line will be set up connecting the four Guangzhou subway transfer points, are located in silang Station, South Island stations, Lek Kau Point and Sand Point Park. 广佛城际轨道线将设置四个换乘点接驳广州地铁,分别设在西朗站、南洲站、沥滘站和沙园站。
- From the viewpoint of the characteristics of an intercity rail system, by analyzing the route scheme ofGaung-fo line, the route design for intercity rail systems is discussed in detail. 从城际轨道交通的特点出发,通过对广佛线线路方案的分析研究,对城际轨道交通线的线路设计作了一定的探讨。
- They wanted DB to retain its turn-up-and-pay style of rail travel, which German passengers cherish. 他们要db保持它的发动就要付钱的铁路旅行方式,这个是德国旅客所珍爱的。
- In the 20th century rail travel languished as Americans fell in love with cars and interstate highways.Jet travel made railways even less attractive. 上个世纪,铁路旅行式微的原因是美国人对汽车的热爱,以及遍布全国的高速公路网络。
- Peugeot likens the 5008's sleek design to the TGV, and the model does seem intended to compete with the comfort of high-speed rail travel. 标致的5008流线型设计的高速列车,以及模型似乎打算与舒适的高速铁路旅行。
- East Coast rail travel appeared to be running smoothly, too. New York's usually frenetic Pennsylvania Station seemed sedate on Monday, with people ambling to their trains. 东岸铁路旅行看来也非常顺利。纽约通常很火爆的宾夕法尼亚车站周一的时候似乎很平静,人们都不慌不忙的进入火车。
- Whether through competition, co-operation or both, a plethora of European directives such as the“ Railway Interoperability Directive” and the“ Third Railway Package” will encourage the emergence of this new era of international rail travel. 不管是通过竞争,合作抑或是二者兼具,过多的欧洲指令,例如“铁路协同工作指令”和“第三套铁路指令”(7)将促使国际铁路旅行的新时代的诞生。
- Whether through competition, co-operation or both, a plethora of European directives such as the "Railway Interoperability Directive" and the "Third Railway Package" will encourage the emergence of this new era of international rail travel. 不管是通过竞争,合作抑或是二者兼具,多的过剩的欧洲指令,例如“铁路协同工作指令”和“第三套铁路指令”(参7),将促使国际铁路旅行的新时代的诞生。
- Study on Marketing Strategy of Beijing-Tianjin Intercity Rail Communication 京津城际轨道交通市场营销战略研究
- A Study on the Route Scheme of the Guang-Fo Line of Intercity Rail System 城际轨道交通广佛线线路方案研究
- Dublin CIE International Rail Travel Center 都柏林CIE国际火车旅行中心
- The cost of travel to the far east is prohibitive. 到远东旅游的费用高的令人不敢问津。
- Passenger ships are a costly way to travel. 坐游轮是昂贵的旅行方法。