- intercept the fleeing enemy 堵击逃敌
- The fleeing enemy abandoned and destroyed many weapons along the road. 敌军逃跑时沿途毁弃了许多武器。
- We must mobilize strong forces to pursue and attack the fleeing enemy. 我们要组织优势兵力、追击逃敌。
- out flank the fleeing enemy on both wings 从两翼包抄逃敌
- Instead, he radioed a colleague in a more traditional police vehicle, who intercepted the fleeing car some distance away. 他用无线电通知同事,驾驶传统警车的同事在离犯罪现场不远处拦截住了逃亡的罪犯。
- The fleeing rebels found a sanctuary in the nearby church. 叛乱後逃跑的人躲入附近教堂寻求庇护。
- The cavalry coursed the fleeing troops. 骑兵追赶逃跑的败兵。
- Our army is ready to besiege and intercept the enemy. 我军已经形成对敌人的围堵之势。
- Can our fighter-planes intercept the enemy's bombers? 我们的战斗机能拦截敌人的轰炸机吗?
- The police headed off the fleeing driver. 警察截住了逃跑的司机。
- Our troops are going to intercept the enemy at the mountain pass. 我军将在这个山口要击敌人。
- The jaguar overtook the fleeing deer. 美洲豹追上了正在逃跑的鹿。
- The sheriff snapped a shot at the fleeing bandit. 警长对逃跑中的强盗急速开了一枪。
- Paladins still cant chase fleeing enemies. 圣骑士仍然不能追击逃跑的敌人。
- All they would have to do is intercept the password. 他所要做的一切就是截获口令。
- The commander was able to rally the fleeing troops. 指挥官能够重整其溃散的部队。
- The camera is then placed to intercept the desired rays. 这时即可放置照相机去接收所要的光线。
- The sheriffsnapped a shot at the fleeing bandit. 警长对逃跑中的强盗急速开了一枪。
- It's necessary to workout the enemy's plans beforehand and move forces from one base to another or intercept the enemy troops at sea. 它是必要的测验敌人预先的计划和移动军队从一个基地到另外的或阻击敌人军队在海上。
- They intercepted the enemy convoy. 他们堵截了敌人的运输车。