- Some of them may change their business strategies to reduce their vulnerability to interbank interest rate movements. 部分银行可能会改变业务策略,以减低同业拆息波动对它们的影响。
- Indeed, with the weakening of the yen this week, Hong Kong currency is already under pressure in the form demonstrated in the higher interbank interest rate in the last few days. 事实上,本周日元疲弱,已令港元受到压力,过去数天,银行同业拆息已被扯高。
- Indeed,with the weakening of the yen this week,Hong Kong currency is already under pressure in the form demonstrated in the higher interbank interest rate in the last few days. 事实上,本周日元疲弱,已令港元受到压力,过去数天,银行同业拆息已被扯高。
- This will enhance the transparency of the linked exchange rate system and facilitate a more efficient adjustment in the interbank interest rates. 此举增加联系汇率制度的透明度,同时提高银行同业利率调节的效率。
- Mr Yam said that the discount window loans may be lower than the Hong Kong interbank interest rates, but he did not through a specific interest rate. 任志刚表示,贴现窗口贷款的利息可能低于香港银行同业拆息水平,但他并未透具体利率。
- Inflows and outflows of funds will not immediately cause volatility in the interbank interest rates, unlike when the exchange rate is fixed at one number. 与汇率只固定在一点上的情况不同,现在资金流入或流出不会即时令银行同业拆息波动。
- Members noted that, influenced by expectations of a rise in US rates, interbank interest rates had shown a general increase, but interest rate volatility had slightly decreased. 委员会获悉,受到市场预期美国会加息的影响,银行同业拆息普遍向上,但利率波幅则略为减少。
- In terms of one-month money,Hong Kong dollar interbank interest rates (Hibor) eased from 6.1 per cent to 2 per cent. 一个月本港银行同业拆息由6.;1厘回软至2
- The decline in interbank liquidity was buffered in part by Discount Window activities and a moderate rise in interbank interest rates. 贴现窗的运作和银行同业拆息轻微上升,抵销了部分银行同业流动资金减少所造成的影响。
- In terms of one-month money, Hong Kong dollar interbank interest rates (Hibor) eased from 6.1 per cent to 2 per cent. 一个月本港银行同业拆息由6.;1厘回软至2
- As a result of these developments,interbank interest rates moved on a downtrend,to around 4.5 per cent at end-September. 市场对这项公布反应良好。银行同业拆息向下调整,到九月底,息率已下调至4.;5厘左右。
- As a result of these developments, interbank interest rates moved on a downtrend, to around 4.5 per cent at end-September. 市场对这项公布反应良好。银行同业拆息向下调整,到九月底,息率已下调至4.;5厘左右。
- Sterilisation of the base money so created is necessary if interbank interest rates are to be maintained at particular levels, in accordance with monetary policy, however defined. 无论央行定出何种货币政策目标,若要把银行同业拆息维持在某些特定水平,上述过程所制造出来的基础货币便必须予以冲销。
- When the exchange rate is within the Convertibility Zone, interbank interest rates will still fluctuate, and quite significantly, as a result of the interaction of supply and demand for liquidity. 若汇率处于兑换范围内,银行同业拆息同样会波动,而且幅度更可能颇大,但这只是流动资金的供求互动所造成的结果。
- Futures contract in interbank interest rate 银行同业拆息期货合约
- The HKMA passively bought some US dollars in response to bank offers in late April,and overnight interbank interest rates eased to below 5 per cent on the back of improved liquidity. 金管局在四月下旬因应银行的要求,被动地购入美元。由于流动资金状况改善,隔夜银行同业拆息也回软至五厘以下的水平。
- On the last trading day of 1999,the whole spectrum of interbank interest rates fell as banks had largely arranged for adequate funding and some started to place out surplus liquidity in anticipation of a safe rollover into Year 2000. 在一九九九年最后一个交易日,由于银行大都安排了充裕的流动资金,部分银行预期安全进到2000年,开始把过剩的流动资金拆出,因此各种期限的银行同业拆息均下跌。
- Hong Kongs foreign exchange and money markets were stable in 2006, with ample interbank liquidity, Hong Kong dollar interbank interest rates stayed below their US dollar counterparts throughout the year. 2006年香港的外汇及货币市场保持稳定,银行同业流动资金充裕,年内香港银行同业拆息一直低于同期美元利率的水平。
- This measure enables market participants to anticipate changes in liquidity conditions in the interbank market and facilitates a more efficient adjustment in the interbank interest rates. 这项措施使市场人士能预计银行同业市场的流动资金水平,促进同业拆息有效调节。
- On the last trading day of 1999, the whole spectrum of interbank interest rates fell as banks had largely arranged for adequate funding and some started to place out surplus liquidity in anticipation of a safe rollover into Year 2000. 在一九九九年最后一个交易日,由于银行大致上都安排了充裕的流动资金,部分银行更开始把过剩的流动资金拆出,因此各种期限的银行同业拆息均下跌。