- Every year since 1985, WWF has cleared mangrove seedlings from the area of inter tidal mudflat in front of the floating bird-watching hides. 自1985年起,世界自然基金会每年均于观鸟屋前的潮涧带泥滩进行清除红树树苗的工作。
- Every year since 1985, WWF has cleared mangrove seedlings from the area of inter tidal mudflat in front of the three floating bird-watching hides. 自1985年起,世界自然基金会每年均于三间观鸟屋前的潮涧带泥滩,进行清除红树树苗的工作。
- The tidal wave formed a terrifying wall of water. 海啸形成一堵骇人的水墙。
- Low or marshy ground washed by tidal waters. 洼地,沼泽由波浪之水流引起的低地或沼泽地
- A channel in which a tidal current runs. 潮汐水道潮汐流在其中流动的水道
- Exhibiting short, jumbled waves, as a tidal rip. 波浪起伏的显示短而杂乱的波浪的,比如在海潮中
- All species will breed inter se. 所有的生物都在其种内进行繁殖。
- Yes. it call the inter city service. 是的,它叫做各城市间的班车。
- They are going to inter the dead tomorrow. 他们打算明天埋葬死者。
- Everyone must is inter ested in the subject. 这个题目每个人都会感到兴趣的。
- We are now in a position to introduce tidal forces. 现在我们可以导出潮汐力了。
- What does it mean by the term "tidal range"? “潮差”这个术语什么意思?
- Retouch is made to the goods the cases of which get wet by the tidal water. 被潮水浸湿的箱子中的货物正在进行整修。
- Yes. It's called the inter city service . 是的,它叫做各城市间的班车。
- Low coastal land drained by tidal streams. 有潮河流过的海边低地
- Inter control: a soft spot of city banks? 内控:城市商业银行的软肋?
- Shanghai Inter Auto Parts Co., Ltd. 上海英特汽车配件有限公司。
- Using inter teeth brush to comfort the gum atrophy. 牙龈萎缩需要用牙间隙刷。
- It is the world's largest tidal mangrove forest. 它是世界上最大的红树林沼泽地,
- They have only loaned him for two seasons to Inter. 他们只是把他外借到国际米兰两个球季。