- Exceptional item is noted above the line in company account. 特殊项目记在公司帐目的横线之上。
- The company accounts did not balance. 公司的帐目收支不平衡。
- Accounts Payable:To sort, code& process supplier invoices& inter company debit& credit notes.To reconcile suppl...... ... 公司名称:天津雀巢普瑞纳宠物食品有限公司工作地点:天津市发布时间:2008-12-4
- Company Accounts Receivable Process Systemize. 公司应收帐款控制流程标准化。
- To make an abstract of the company account. 作一份该公司的帐目摘要。
- Company chop is required for a Company Account. 注:公司帐户必须加盖公司印章。
- Exceptional items are noted above the line in company account. 特殊项目记在公司帐目的横线之上。
- The company accounts show a little financial sleight of hand. 公司帐目显示在财务上耍了一点手腕.
- Responsibilities:1. Liaison and coordination with A/P inter company customers in sales demand collection and ver...... ... 公司名称:广州市德翊企业管理咨询有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-4-9
- Responsibilities:1. Liaison and coordination with A/P inter company customers in sales demand collection and verificatio...... ... 公司名称:广州市德翊企业管理咨询有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-8-5
- Ryan got fired because he manipulated the company account. 赖安因为窜改公司帐目被解雇了。
- The company accountant queried my, travel expenses. 公司会计对我的出差费用提出质疑。
- The company accountant queried my travel expenses. 公司的会计对我的旅行开支提出疑问。
- The company is helping source high quality building materials for Knauf Inter companies abroad . 公司主要负责为可耐福集团下属的国外企业在中国采购高品质的建材产品,以满足海外需求。
- To check on a sampling basis that all company accounts are in good order. 用抽样方式审核所有公司账目是否完整。
- Company account is to cannot be opposite of illicit, but money is private. 公司帐户是不能对私的,但钱又是私人的。
- The financial director was accused of falsifying the company accounts. 财政主管被控伪造公司账目。
- Our anti - aircraft company accounted for five enemy planes . 我们的防空连击落了五架敌机。
- Our anti-aircraft company accounted for five enemy planes. 我们的防空连击落了5架敌机。
- There's been some dirty work with the company accounts,and some money is missing. 公司的账目被做了手脚,有些钱不知去向。