- Question 8: the city rail transit shall adopt light rail or subway? 问题8:都市区轨道是轻轨还是地铁形式?答:均为地铁形式。
- Beijing--Tianjin between city rail transit 京津城际轨道交通
- Yes. it call the inter city service. 是的,它叫做各城市间的班车。
- Yes. It's called the inter city service . 是的,它叫做各城市间的班车。
- AFC system is the core sub-system in rail transit. 摘要简要介绍了一个轨道交通自动售检票系统AFC外包管理实践案例。
- Welcome to take rail transit line No. 5. 乘客您好,欢迎乘坐轨道交通5号线。
- This paper is about the study of relationship between rail transit and urban form, using Dandong City and Nanjing Megalopolis as two examples of different scales. 本文探讨城市发展战略研究中的轨道交通与城市形态之间的关系。
- Being the highest cost project in municipal infrastructure, urban rail transit (URT) system makes contributions to the city's economy and social development. 摘要城市轨道交通作为城市投资最大的基础设施,存在一定的投资乘数效应。
- A favorable transferring between Dongguan light rail transit network and the regional railways offers a necessary condition for the external connection of Dongguan City. 摘要东莞市轨道交通网络与境内地区铁路的良好接驳是充分实现东莞市轨道交通网络外联功能的必要条件。
- The inter - city rail service is good 城市间的铁路服务是好的
- Up to now there hasn't a special code for the design of rail transit viaduct. 目前我国尚无专门的轨道交通高架桥设计规範。
- Flow prediction is an important item in the construction of rail transit. 摘要客流预测是轨道交通建设的重要基础工作。
- Any other act that disturbs normal operations of urban rail transit. 其他影响城市轨道交通运营秩序的行为。
- Chelsea also lost an Inter Cities Fairs Cup semi-final to Barça in 1966. 1966年切尔西也在一场国际竞技杯的四分之一决赛中输给了巴萨。
- In this paper, the design demand and structures used in city rail s EMU bogie are analyzed in detail. 对城市地铁车辆转向架的设计要求和常用结构型式作了较为详细的分析,并提出了一种城市地铁车辆转向架的推荐方案。
- Considering the insufficient transport capacity of bus, tramcar, guideway and subw ay in a city, the author designs a single compartment for elevated rail transit a nd a transportation network which can esasily be linked with stations. 从城市公共交通的多样化出发,针对公共汽车、共电车、轨、铁等存在的不足,构想了一种单人车厢的高架轨道列车以及与站台容易实现“链接”的轨道交通网络。
- Line 13 of Beijing Metro is the first ground line of Beijing urban rail transit. 摘要北京地铁13号线是北京城市轨道交通的第一条地面线路。
- From the main railway station (Hauptbahnhof), take the S-Bahn (city rail) to Savigny Platz. The hotel is 500 metres away. 在下午和晚上,您可以前往众多的小酒馆和餐厅享用食物、品尝饮品。您就尽情地探索、享受丰盛的柏林美食吧。
- The APTS system should be comprehensive transportation system including each kind of transportation way. Mmain mass transit way includes: bus, electric bus, rail transit, ferry, taxi in Wuhan city at present. APTS系统应该是一个包括各种交通方式的综合交通系统,武汉市目前的主要公共交通方式有:公共汽、电车,快速轨道交通、轮渡、出租车。
- Beating Roma over two legs in the Inter Cities Fairs Cup 1965, for Chelsea's first competitive victory over big name foreign opposition. 1965年城际博览会杯中两回合击败罗马,这是切尔西首次在对国外大牌俱乐部的正式比赛中告捷。