- HIB or hmpolo influence type B requires intensive treatment with antibiotics. HIB或是H应宪法B型要求和抗生素紧张的治疗。
- Valentina's parents then applied for the Intensive Treatment Program. Valentina的父母随后申请加入一强化训练。
- Wally, accompanied by the nurse, was flown directly to a hospital for more intensive treatment. 沃利在护士的护送下直接飞往一家医院接受更精心的治疗。
- Rooney has stayed in England for intensive treatment on his foot injury with the Manchester United team doctors. 鲁尼留在英格兰进行由曼联队以主持的高强度的脚伤治疗。
- Kewell is receiving intensive treatment at Melwood after suffering a groin injury during last weekend's FA Cup final. 科威尔正在Melwood接受全面透彻的治疗,他在上周足总杯决赛中腹股沟拉伤。
- HIB Hib, or Haemophilus I influenzae type B b, requires intensive treatment with antibiotics. Hib或称为B型嗜血杆菌流感需要集中的抗生素治疗。
- HIB or hemophilus influenza type B requires intensive treatment with antibiotics. HIB或称B型流感嗜血杆菌需要进行强化的抗生素治疗。
- Hib, or Haemophilus* influence (influenzae) type B, require intensive treatment with antibiotics*. 或者叫B型流行性**,需要用抗生素进行强化治疗。
- The intensive treatment is useful for freckled skin in which it helps to lighten the pigment on the facial area. 适用于长斑肌肤,可漂白及淡化面部之过深色素。
- Within days of showing initially unalarming symptoms, the patients were gone, despite intensive treatment with antibiotics. 另外六人也都病得很严重,但还是活了下来。
- Without intense treatment, the victims of parvo die of dehydration. 没有强有效的治疗,细小的受害者会死于脱水。
- In summary, intensive treatment of keratoconjunctivitis sicca should be instituted first, and frequent blinking can be encouraged. 总结该病灶之治疗,开始应积极处理乾眼症的问题,并且鼓励病人多眨眼睛。
- Intensive treatment with oral indomethacin, topical steroid and topical indomethacin were given, and the visual acuity returned to 6/6 as previous level. 给予局部类固醇,局部与口服非类固醇抗发炎药物治疗后视力渐回复至1.;0。
- In order to effectively address this situation, MOLAP sparse use of the peacekeeping and peacekeeping combination of intensive treatment, as the following picture. 为了有效地解决这种情况,MOLAP采用了稀疏维和密集维相结合的处理方式,如下图。
- HIB or Haemophilus influenzae type B requires intensive treatments with anti-biotics. Hib,即b型流行性感冒嗜血杆菌需要使用抗生素进行强化治疗。
- Incredible cure for dehydrated skins Apply pat on face and neck For intensive treatment, one ampule each night for 7 nights For deeper dehydration use one ampule each night for 28 nights. 补充水份精华素有效治疗缺水肌肤,轻拍于面及脖子,用作肌肤修护,连续七晚每晚用一安瓿;深层修护,可连续使用28日。
- Intensive treatment of landfill leachate is the key tache for letting out leachate in the range of permission, the principle and specialty of intensive treatment of landfill leachate were introduced. 垃圾渗滤液的深度处理是渗滤液实现达标排放的关键环节,总结了渗滤液深度处理方法的原理及特点,指出了存在的问题及其发展趋势。
- "Our results are particularly compelling because of the severity and duration of oral mucositis typically seen in patients with hematologic cancers who undergo intensive treatment. 因为血液癌患者在经过密集的治疗以后,典型的口腔黏膜炎症状都持久且严重,所以本试验有这样良好的结果,确实令人惊讶。
- Especially in Skincare, more and more companies are launching Very Intensive Treatment products that although costs more but are more effective and usually has built in multi benefits. 特别是在皮肤护理上,越来越多的公司提供非常“集成和强效”的护理产品,虽然更贵,但对皮肤更有效,更多功能。
- This patient requires intensive care. 该病人需要加强护理。