- intensity exert coefficient 强度发挥系数
- The poem showed great intensity of feeling. 这篇韵文表现出强烈的激情。
- The luminous intensity on unit area. 单位面积上的发光强度。
- Exert thy voice, sweet harbinger of spring! 敞开嗓门吧,春天甜美的使者!
- He doesn't have to exert himself on my behalf. 他不必为我费那么大力气。
- The pain increased in intensity. 疼痛越来越剧烈。
- The play shows great intensity of feeling. 这出戏表现了强烈的感情。
- The poem shows great intensity of feeling. 这首诗表达了强烈的感情。
- Producing sound of high volume and intensity. 喧哗的产生高音量和强烈的声音的
- You'll have to exert yourself more if you want to pass your exam. 你若想考试及格,就必须更加努力。
- At least eight inten students are shortsighted. 十个学生中至少有八个近视。可以用,意思一样
- Of a low intensity of color; light. 浅色的色彩强度低的; 淡的
- Burning intensity of feeling; ardor. 热情感情剧烈的燃烧; 热情
- Why don't you exert yourself more? 你为什么不多出点儿力呢?
- Certain particles will exert equal forces. 某些尘粒将受到相等的力。
- I was surprised by the intensity of his anxiety. 我对他的极度焦虑感到吃惊。
- Exert thy voice,sweet harbinger of spring! 敞开嗓门吧,春天甜美的使者!
- I think you didn't exert yourself much. 我想你不够努力。
- Water has a variable coefficient of expansion. 水的膨胀系数是可变的。
- Intensity modulated radiation therapy means achieving form conformity and dose conformity by altering intens... 而调强适形是通过改变射束剖面强度分布,达到形状适形和剂量适形放疗技术。