- Automated Highway System (AHS) is the most difficulty sub system in Intelligent Transport System(ITS). 自动公路系统(Automated Highway System,简称AHS)是智能运输系统(Intelligent Transport System,简称ITS)领域中技术难度最大的系统。
- Dynamic Route Guidance System(DRGS) is important in the field of Intelligent Transport System(ITS).The global optimum and real-time property in DRGS must be considered. 摘要 动态路径诱导系统(DRGS)是智能运输系统(ITS)研究的一个重要内容,动态路径诱导算法要考虑到全局最优和实时性问题。
- Automated Highway System (AHS) is a uppermost subsystem of Intelligent Transport System (ITS). The system includes vehicle automatic navigation and control, traffic management automation and traffic accident treatment automation. 自动公路系统(Automated Highway System,简称AHS)是智能运输系统(Intelligent Transport SyStem,简称ITS)最主要的子系统之一,该系统旨在实现车辆自动导航和控制、交通管理以及事故处理等的自动化。
- Center for Intelligent Transportation Systems, Pe. 宾西法尼亚州工程学院智能运输系统中心。
- Intelligent Transportation Systems Society of Cana. 加拿大智能运输系统协会。
- ISO/DIS 14817 is issued by ISO that it has an important significance in intelligent transportation system(ITS),transport information and control system(TICS). 中央数据登记薄标准草案(ISO/DIS14817)~[1]是国际标准化组织(ISO)颁布的、在ITS系统集成中具有重要意义的标准。
- The evolutionary development of Intelligent Transport Systems demands an equally revolutionary plan for deployment. 随著智能交通运输系统不断发展,我们需要一个同样革命性的实施计划以作配合。
- It is basilic to get the vehicle flow in the Intelligent Transportation System(ITS). 为实现铁路车流分析的现代化,建立列车编组计划车流分析系统十分必要。
- In the end, the concept of Advanced Intermodal System(AIS) is offered based on Intelligent Transportation System(ITS). 最后提出了基于智能运输系统的先进的多方式联合运输系统概念并希望得到业界的关注。
- The findings could be used to help develop traffic forecasting and intelligent transport systems, Kerner says. 研究结果可以用来帮助我们发展交通预报和智能交通运输系统, kerner说。
- Route Guidance System(RGS) is a representative part of Intelligent Transportation System. 路径诱导系统是智能运输系统最具代表性的一个功能子系统。
- The use of Intelligent Transport Systems could help maximise the efficiency of existing transport infrastructure and facilities. 使用智能交通运输系统,可提高现有运输基础设施的效能。
- CITS can be further divided into the two subsystems: City Intelligent Transportation System and District Intelligent Transportation System. 综合智能交通系统进一步可分为城市智能交通系统和区域智能交通系统两个子系统 .
- Especially with the advent of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), demands for better and more reliable services are increasing. 特别是随着智能交通运输系统ITS(Intelligent Transponation System)的出现,对运输系统服务水平的稳定可靠的要求与日俱增。
- J.C. Rojas and J.D. Crisman,“Vehicle detection in color images”, Intelligent Transportation System, 1997. ITSC ’97, 1997, pp. 403-408. 吴孟璁,车辆牌照自动辨识系统,硕士论文,淡江大学,资讯工程所,台北,1998。
- Obviously not a behaviorally realistic model, SO assignment can be useful in analyzing Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) scenarios. 很明显这个模型是不现实的,系统最佳分配法在智能交通系统假设分析中是十分有用的。
- Rose, Geoff, Paterson, Darryn, “Dynamic Travel Time Estimation on Instrumented Freeways”, Presented at 6th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems 1999.Toronto, Canada. 交通部运输研究所,先进交通管理系统之先导研究与雏形系统之建构发展,民国88年4月。
- The paper introduces video intelligent transportation system and its application in toll-gate system of SuJiaHang speedway. 论文介绍了视频智能交通系统以及它在苏嘉杭高速公路系统中的应用。
- Advanced Public Transportation Systems (APTS) is an important part of Intelligent Transport System (ITS). 智能公交系统是智能交通系统的重要研究内容。
- Automated Highway System (AHS) is the high level system of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). The research of AHS is becoming more and more hot field. 自动公路系统(Automated Highway System,AHS)是智能运输系统(Intelligent Transportation System,ITS)领域中技术难度最大的子系统,近年来已成为研究的热点。