- Force was an integral concept to Newton's laws of motion. 力是牛顿运动定律中不可或缺的一个概念。
- Abstract: The integration concept of space and time is the development of dialectical materialism in modern society as well as the sceentific generalization and reflection of the continuance in time and extension in space. 文摘:时空整体观念是唯物辩证法现代发展的重要内容,是对时间的连续性与空间的广延性的科学概括与反映。
- The integration concept integrates the “being”of one thing with time and space. 时空整体观念是把物的存在与时间、空间作为一个有机整体加以把握。
- The integration concept of space and time is the development of dialectical materialism in modern society as well as the sceentific generalization and reflection of the continuance in time and extension in space. 时空整体观念是唯物辩证法现代发展的重要内容,是对时间的连续性与空间的广延性的科学概括与反映。
- virtual-actual integration concept 虚实一体化理念
- This study presents an integrated concept mapping system to aid students in promoting their self-awareness in conceptual structure. 摘要:本研究提出一种综观概念图系统来辅助提升学生在概念架构的自我觉察程度。
- Moreover, a new theoretical formula for calculating the intermittent grinding temperature field is obtained by use of the faltung integral concept. 文章构造了周期变化的移动热源模型,并引进卷积概念建立了计算断续磨削时工件表层非稳态脉动温度场的理论公式。
- The same or similar concepts and propositions are accommodated in the integrated concept map. 在综观概念图中,相同或是相似的概念词以及命题会被综合在一起。
- This concept is at the very core of her theory. 这个概念是她理论的核心。
- I can not understand the so abstract concept. 我无法理解如此抽象的观念。
- Secondly, Pound proposed the integral conception of furthering judicial reform in the light of the reality in China. 其次,庞德针对中国司法改革的实际情况,提出了深入司法改革的整体设想。
- Who originated the concept of stereo sound? 立体声是谁发明的?
- Carey claimed that young childrens conceptions of living things undergo radical conceptual change that intuitive biology emerges from an intuitive psychology and do not possess an integrated concept of living things that includes both animals and plants. Carey等主张学前儿童的生物概念系统是从心理概念系统中分离出来的由一个系统到另一个系统的根本性概念转变,儿童还没有一个包含动植物的整合的生物系统。
- Laser Optical Guidance Integrated Concept 激光光学制导综合概念
- It does not overcome the paradoxes between asserting on one hand the functional analyses of law and affirming the integral conception of culture and unilinear evolutionism on the other hand. 法律的功能分析与整体文化观、单线进化论前设之间也存有张力。
- He was the first to pose an alternative concept of the world. 他是第一个提出另一种新的世界概念的人。
- Optical-electro-mechanical Integration Industry. 光机电一体化产业。
- It is difficult to grasp the concept of infinite space. 掌握无限空间的概念是很难的。
- We are all affected by global integration. 每一处地方也受到全球经济一体化的影响。
- It allows a high degree of integration. 它允许高度的集成。