- Twin guide bars on pistons assure optimum rack and pinion engagement. 在活塞上配置双导杆,确保优化齿条和齿轮啮合。
- Unique twin guide bar feature absorbs rack and pinion load and ensures optimum teeth engagement. 独特的双导杆具有吸收齿条和齿轮负载的特点,确保齿轮之间能够优化啮合。
- The data guide lasers in ablating tiny amounts of tissue. 这些资料指引雷射修饰角膜上的微量组织。
- Investigation of BN CO_2 Wave Guide Laser BN陶瓷波导CO_2激光器的研究
- Investigation on intra-cavity CO_2 wave guide laser 内腔式CO_2波导激光器的研究
- The mother with twin babies are always on the run. 这个有双胞胎婴儿的妈妈总是忙忙碌碌的。
- The twin brothers are far apart in character. 那两个孪生兄弟的性格相差很远。
- You must be muddling me up with my twin brother. 你一定是把我看成我的孪生兄弟了。
- Nothing can set the twin brothers at variance. 没有什么事能使这对双胞胎兄弟吵起来。
- How much do you know about the works of Mark Twin. 马克。吐温写的作品你知道多少?
- How much do you know about the works of Mark Twin? 马克。吐温写的作品你知道多少?
- She paid her way by acting as a guide. 她当导游来维持生活。
- You're always mixing me up with my twin sister! 你老是把我和我的孪生妹妹弄混了!
- I took a shot of the twin sisters. 我给那对孪生姊妹拍了一张照片。
- He is the younger twin of the two. 他是这对双胞胎中的弟弟。
- Can you tell the twin sisters apart? 你分得清这两个孪生姐妹吗?
- Instinct is not always a good guide. 凭本能行事不一定都对。
- Oxford's twin town in France is Leon. 牛津在法国的友好城市是里昂。
- My twin brother is my shadow every minute. 我的孪生兄弟与我形影不离。
- Are you suggested I am a tour guide? 你是不是建议我当导游?