- Research on the architecture of integrated process management support software system 过程管理集成支撑软件系统体系结构研究
- integrated process management 整合流程管理
- What is Six Sigma Process Management? 六西格玛流程管理是什么?
- The service-oriented process management in this paper, which is integrated on ESB platform and based on JBI implantation, is loosely coupled. 本文提出的面向业务流程的服务组合设计,为开发服务组合支撑平台以及在此基础上构造服务组合应用系统提供了基础框架。
- Logistic process management skill and leadership skill. 物流流程管理及领导技能。
- Process management is to eliminate the root cause not the systems. 流程管理是原因管理不是现象消除管理。
- Study on FeRAM and its pivotal integration process. 铁电存储器及其关键集成工艺。
- The Emerson Process Management Scholarship will be awarded once a year. 艾默生过程控制奖学金每学年评选一次。
- In this paper we propose the Manufacturing Enterprise Management Information System based on Integrated Process thought, according to all kinds of data of product parts in their life cycle. 本论文从产品零(部)件全生命过程中所涉及的各种类型的数据出发,提出了基于过程集成思想的制造业信息化管理理念。
- Process management plan (PMP) in place, with controls (charts or checklist). 制程管理计画清楚界定各重要制程及?控制(图表或核查单).
- How does Office Visio Standard 2007 help with business process management? Office Visio Standard 2007能为业务流程管理提供哪些帮助?
- CIPS (Computer Integrated Process System) is the direction of CPL (ContinuousProcess Industry) automation. CIPS是一个递阶结构的大系统。
- The design process management system(DPMS) was established based on Web. 基于以上思路,构建了 基于Web的设计过程管理系统DPMS。
- This study focuses on the degradation of TNR in water using photocatalysis-membrane filtration integrated process. 研究了利用光催化-膜分离组合工艺降解斯蒂芬酸废水。
- Interprets and communicates process management data for complex problems. 解释和沟通复杂问题中的流程管理数据。
- And that can only make the integration process easier. 这样只会使集成过程更加容易。
- From scanning to outputting, the quality control of images is a holistic and integrated process. 图像从扫描到输出,其质量控制是1个整体的、综合的过程。
- Also, data from the integration process must be outputted in time. 同样,从积分过程中求得的数据也必须及时被输出。
- Recruiting data management and processing management. 招聘档案数据和进程管理。
- It has become a global trend for TPL to apply technology to achieve an integrated process. 它已成为一个全球性趋势,第三方物流适用技术,以实现一个综合的过程。