- integrated economic strengths 经济综合实力
- Keep within the limits of the national economic strength. 控制在国民经济可以承受的范围之内。
- A. Beijing and China boast great economic strength. 第一,中国和北京具备举办奥运会的经济实力。
- Political power depends upon economic strength. 政治权力取决于经济实力。
- Having a certain economic strength. 具有一定的加盟经济实力。
- And so we need military strength, we need economic strength, we also need the right diplomatic policies. 我们需要军事力量,我们需要经济力量,我们还需要正确的外交政策。
- We must enhance the economic strength of the collectives. 增强集体经济实力。
- They build their hopes on the economic strength of the country. 他们把希望寄托在国家的经济力量上。
- The applicants should have the economic strength for affiliate. 具有一定的加盟经济实力。
- That is to say, only economic strength, the nation can revive. 也就是说,只有经济的强盛,民族才能振兴。
- Wuhan constant Bock Machinery Manufacturing Co. Ltd. is the production, marketing EHV, pneumatic products integrated economic entity. 武汉恒博克机械制造有限公司是以生产、销售超高压、气动产品为主的综合性经济实体。
- In 1993, the UN published the System for Integrated Economic and Environmental Accounting (SEEA) as an annex to the 1993 revisions of the SNA. 在 1993 年,联合国为如对 SNA 的 1993 校订来说的一个附属物的整合经济的和环境的会计 (SEEA) 出版了系统。
- Beijing Maketor Club is officially registered as a membership units. Oriented community-based service to provide all-round and multi-level integrated economic entity. 北京营销人俱乐部是经北京市工商局正式注册的会员制单位,面向社会各界提供全方位多层次综合型服务的经济实体。
- People build all their hopes on the economic strength of the country. 人们将所有的希望都寄托在国家的经济实力之上。
- Each such unit, conceived as an integrated economic and social unit with a large population nucleus, was named a Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area(SMSA). 这样被视为经济、社会相结合,并拥有一个庞大的人口核心的单元,被称作一个“标准大都市统计区”(SMSA)。
- Economic strength: Beijing's economy experienced sustained and rapid growth. 经济实力: 全市经济持续快速增长。
- Messiah design with sound management system and solid economic strength. 赛亚设计拥有完善的管理体制与雄厚的经济实力。
- Economic strength include deposits and realisable assets of the two. 经济实力的内容包括存款和可变现资产两大部分。
- Indeed, while our military, political and economic strengths are feared and admired, our legal system has become a laughingstock, a tool for the enemy. 事实如此,当我们的军事、政治以及经济力量受到敬畏和钦慕时,我们的立法系统正在成为笑柄,正在成为敌人手中的工具。
- Mr Lindbeck suggests that, where it does have economic strengths, they are of an essentially Anglo-American, market variety. 林德贝克指出,如果有经济实力,那本质上都是英美式的市场多样化。