- The integrated form of the kinetic equation isIn 1/(1-x)=kt(1-a)and the rate constant k has been correlated into a form of Arrhenius equation,with activation energy E=35.8(kJ/mol)and frequency factor A=0.091(atm.hr)~(-1). 所得动力学方程的积分形式为:ln(1)/(1-X)=kt(1-a)速度常数 k 随温度变化;阿累尼乌斯方程中的活化能 E=35.;8(kJ/mol);指前因子A=0
- Shanghai flour limited company is state-owned big one model enterprise, included Shanghai contemporary company system 1996 integrated form a complete set reforms pilot unit cavalcade. 上海面粉有限公司为国有大一型企业,1996年列入上海市现代企业制度综合配套改革试点单位行列。
- Some knowledge of vector calculus assumed.Maxwell's equations, in both differential and integral form. 像是向量微积分、微分和积分形式的麦斯威尔方程式。
- With Office Access 2007, you can create and integrate form and report views, coordinate structured data collection via e-mail, and access SharePoint site lists offline. 使用Office Access 2007,可以创建和集成表单和报表视图、通过电子邮件协调结构化的数据收集以及在脱机状态下访问SharePoint网站列表。
- Integration form (self-supporting form code Z) Applied in situations that the headstock gear is installed over gate and gate is over or approach the flat form in shallow channel. 一体式(也称自撑式,代号Z)启闭机装于闸门上,适用于浅型渠道安装,闸门打开后高出或接近平台场合。
- The CESE method satisfies physical concept and casts the governing equation in integral form obeyed conservation law, which has a second order accuracy in both space and time. 时空守恒法是以物理观念为出发点,利用统御方程式满足物理通量的守恒定律,在时间和空间上均具有二阶准确度的新数值方法。
- TFM skirt is integrally formed as part of the liner to isolate the CPVC body. TFM衬套作为内衬的一部分整体成型,从而将CPVC阀体隔离开来。
- The paint is sold in powdered form. 该油漆以粉制品形式出售。
- Most synthetic detergents are in the form of powder or liquid. 大多数合成洗涤剂呈粉状或液态。
- The ginpole is the simplest form of derrick. 起重吊杆是一种最简单的起重机。
- The script is massaged into final form. 这篇稿子经过修改已定稿。
- Selfishness in any form is my pet aversion. 我最讨厌自私自利,不管它以什么形式出现。
- Some biological molecules have the form of a helix. 有些生物分子呈螺旋状。
- It is possible to transmute one form of energy into another. 把某种形态的能量改变成另一形态的能量是可能的。
- I integrated your suggestion with my plan. 你的建议使我的计划完整了。
- Integral Forms for Magnetostatics. Magnetic Multipoles. Relation between Magnetic Moment and Angular Momentum. 积分形式的静磁学。磁多极。磁矩与角动量之关系。
- Could this verb be used in progressive form? 这个动词可以用进行式吗?
- In other words, the aperture would be integrally formed as part of valve body 312. 换句话说,该孔隙可以整合成阀体212的一部份。
- The two parties have united to form a coalition. 这两个党已结成联盟。
- There is a standard form of oath used in lawcourts. 法庭中使用的誓词有固定的格式。