- In the present notes we consider the boundary properties of the integral of Cauchy type:where Lk is an opened smooth simple curve in the zk plane with ends ak,bk, (k=1,2). 本文考虑哥西型积分的边界性质;其中L_k是z_k平面的开简单光滑曲线;以a_k;b_k(k=1;2)为端点.
- The integrity of the judge is unquestioned. 这位法官的正直是毫无疑问的。
- generalized Cauchy type integral 广义Cauchy型积分
- In this paper, author given the construction of four point-quadrature rule of Cauchy principal value of an integral by narameter. 作者在本文中给出了一个柯西主值积分的参数优化四点求积公式。
- The collapse of popular respect for the integrity of world leaders. 对世界领袖的正直无私的普通尊敬的瓦解
- We present a new proof of Cauchy integral theorem by using harmonic analysismethod, which is simpler than Goursat's proof. 我们利用调和分析的方法给出了柯西积分定理的一个新的证明;我们的证明比古莎所给出的证明简单.
- It put the integrity of the Judiciary in jeopardy. 这会危害香港法院制度的完整性。
- The integrity of the repository is assured. 配置库的完整性得到了保证。
- Inspecting integrity of steering gear. 操舵装置完整性检查。
- A Simple Proof for the generalization of Cauchy mean value theorem is given. 给出Cauchy微分中值定理的推广的一个简单证明.
- Integration of new scenic objects. 综合了一些新的风景物品。
- Check the integrity of the file system. 检查文件系统的完整性。
- Inspection integrity of mooring winch. 绞缆机完整性检查。
- Insures the Integrity of Voting Receiver Site. 确保比选接收机链路的完整性。
- Integration of ionic liquids and electrochemistry. 离子液体在电化学中的应用。
- You appreciate the integrity of Rotary. 你们重视扶轮社的正直。
- In the first part of the paper,the another form of Cauchy mean value theorem is studied. 本文的第一部分研究了Cauchy中值定理的另一种形式。
- Each is an integration of several markets. 市场大楼由数个市场组成。
- In this paper the existence of solution of Cauchy problem for Euler equation is discussed. 讨论二维不可压缩Euler方程Cauchy问题解的存在性.
- That shows the integrity of any team. 那证明了任何一只车队的完整性。