- An English-Chinese Dictionary of International Insurance Supervision II. 英汉双解国际保险监管词典2。
- Under the condition of oligarchy monopoly, the insurance supervision is facing the hard crux that must be solved. 在寡头垄断的格局下保险监管面临着必须破解的难题。
- But compared with insurance supervision, the harmonization of insurance contract law is lagged heavily. 但相对于欧盟的保险监管制度来说,保险合同方面的调和则严重滞后。
- The specific measures for management and use of the insurance guaranty fund shall be formulated by the insurance supervision and administration department. 保险保障基金管理使用的具体办法由保险监督管理机构制定。
- Must reimburse ability to take the insurance supervision the rigid target, reimburses ability sufficient achievement guard risk a red line. 要把偿付能力作为保险监管的刚性指标,把偿付能力充足作为防范风险的一条红线。
- The specific measures for drawing and carrying down liability reserve funds by insurance companies shall be formulated by the insurance supervision and administration department. 保险公司提取和结转责任准备金的具体办法由保险监督管理机构制定。
- The insurance clauses and insurance rates of other categories of insurance shall be submitted to insurance supervision and administration department for record. 其他保险险种的保险条款和保险费率,应当报保险监督管理机构备案。
- In replacing board chairman and general manager, an insurance company shall submit it to the insurance supervision and administration department for examining the qualifications. 保险公司更换董事长、总经理,应当报经保险监督管理机构审查其任职资格。
- The difference of the actual assets subtracting actual liabilities shall not be less than the amount stipulated by the insurance supervision and administration department. 保险公司的实际资产减去实际负债的差额不得低于保险监督管理机构规定的数额;
- Article117 Upon the expiry of the take-over period, the insurance supervision and administration department may decide to extend the period, but the maximum term of the take-over period shall not exceed two years. 第一百一十七条接管期限届满,保险监督管理机构可以决定延期,但接管期限最长不得超过二年。
- Article118 Upon the expiry of the take-over period, if the insurance company taken over has restored its ability of normal operation, the insurance supervision and administration department may decide to terminate the take-over. 第一百一十八条接管期限届满,被接管的保险公司已恢复正常经营能力的,保险监督管理机构可以决定接管终止。
- At present, it has already signed understanding memorandums on insurance supervision with finance supervision institutions of Singapore, Germany, the United States and Macao Special Administrative Region respectively. 目前,已先后与新加坡、德国、美国等3个国家和澳门特别行政区的金融监管机构签署了保险监管谅解备忘录。
- The business scope of an insurance company shall be verified by the insurance supervision and administration department. An insurance company shall operate within the business scope verified. 同一保险人不得同时兼营财产保险业务和人身保险业务;但是,经营财产保险业务的保险公司经保险监督管理机构核定,可以经营短期健康保险业务和意外伤害保险业务。
- Insurance supervision and administration department may adjust the minimum amount of registered capital in the light of the business lines of an insurance company and its operational scale. 保险监督管理机构根据保险公司业务范围、经营规模,可以调整其注册资本的最低限额。
- Article 120 An insurance company shall submit to the insurance supervision and control authority its business stati stics Statements for the preceding month by the end of each month. 第一百二十条保险公司应当于每月月底前将上一月的营业统计报表报送保险监督管理机构。
- He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他为自己的房子办理了一份火险保险单。
- The insurance cover is optional. 保险范围可以随意选择。
- He set up in business as an insurance broker. 他开始从事保险经纪人的职业。
- The insurance company will recompense his loss. 保险公司将赔偿他的损失。
- New workers often need close supervision. 新工人通常需要严密的管理。