- As committed in the bidding report to the IOC,90% buses and all municipal vehicles (for environmental protection and postal service) will be powered by clean fuels in 2008. 根据申奥承诺,2008年我市90%25和公交车和全部的市政(环保和邮政)用车为清洁燃料车。
- As committed in the bidding report to the IOC, 90% buses and all municipal vehicles (for environmental protection and postal service) will be powered by clean fuels in 2008. 根据申奥承诺,2008年我市90%25和公交车和全部的市政(环保和邮政)用车为清洁燃料车。
- The postal service here is very unreliable. 这里的邮政服务很不可靠。
- The UN system defines technical standards in telecommunication,aviation,shipping and postal services,which make international transactions possible. 联合国系统界定电信、航空、船运和邮政服务的技术标准,使国际交易因此而能开展。
- The UN system defines technical standards in telecommunication, aviation, shipping and postal services, which make international transactions possible. 联合国系统界定电信、航空、船运和邮政服务的技术标准,使国际交易因此而能开展。
- commerce, transport and postal service 通商、通航和通邮
- After rounds of negotiations, flight, shipping and postal services across the strait were realized, but all had to go through a third place. 在谈判;飞行;运送和邮政跨过的回合以后海峡被变卖赢利;但是所有的必须剩下的通过第三第三名.
- The commemorative stamps and envelopes were officially issued for a commemoration that the mainland and Taiwan started direct air and sea transport and postal services. 纪念海峡两岸空中直航、海上直航、直接通邮的纪念邮票和信封正式发行。
- The police caught me driving with no car insurance and now I'm in right lumber. 警察抓住我无汽车保险行车,现在我碰到麻烦事了。
- Glossary of Insurance and Financial Planning Terms. 保险与金融规划词汇。
- Greater corporate approval for Beijing's record in opening a host of sectors, ranging from construction to finance and postal services, is expected to help ease frictions in Sino-US trade ties. 美国企业对中国政府在开放一系列产业方面的记录给予更为积极的评价,预计会有助于缓解中美贸易关系中的摩擦。这些产业包括建筑、金融和邮政服务。
- Emergency Medical Insurance and Assistance. 保险广告。
- Postal enterprises and postal staff shall not provide information to any organization or individual about users'dealings with postal services except as otherwise provided for by law. 除法律另有规定外,邮政企业和邮政工作人员不得向任何组织或者个人提供用户使用邮政业务的情况。
- Ton, the insurance and freight included. 我们的报价是每吨。
- Now it adds health insurance and work. 现在又增加了健康保险和工作。
- The postal service is better than it used to is. 邮政运转比以前好多了。
- Insurance and vehicle tax coverage. 保险及汽车税范围。
- Do the insurance and remove procedure in time. 定期完成员工保险增减、调动手续。
- The postal service is better than it used to be. 邮政运转比以前好多了。