- Results Insulin stimulated B cell to secrete insulin in the early stage of the disease,but did not reverse the downtrend of limosis insulin. 结果病程早期,胰岛素作用下增加了空腹胰岛素分泌水平,随病情发展,不能逆转空腹胰岛素水平的下降趋势。
- Objective Insulinoma is a insulin endocrine tumor, also called B cell tumor, the mortality was low, easy to distort and irreversible psychic and nerve harm. 胰岛素瘤是一种胰腺内分泌肿瘤,亦称B细胞瘤,发病率极低,易误诊,造成不可逆的精神、神经损害。
- S100 immunoreactivity effectively rules out large B cell lymphoma. S100免疫反应可以有效地排除了大B细胞性淋巴瘤。
- Case of B cell Lymphoma with First Sign as Infiltrated Plaque? 以皮肤浸润性斑块为首发表现的B细胞淋巴瘤1例?
- BAFF also have important impact on several B cell malignancies. 同时BAFF也是某些B细胞淋巴瘤的存活因子。
- Epratuzumab and 90Y Epratuzumab for B cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma. 依帕珠单抗和钇-90标记的依帕珠单抗,用于B细胞非霍奇金淋巴瘤。
- B cell activating factor (BAFF) is one of the TNF family member, regulates the survival and maturation of B lymphocyte. 摘要B细胞激活因子(BAFF)是调节B淋巴细胞存活和成熟的细胞因子,属于TNF家族成员。
- B cells are formed in the bone marrow and produce antibodies. 细胞是在骨髓中形成,并且能产生抗体。
- Objective: To explore expression of EBV-LMPI and ZEBRA in B cell in SLE patients. 目的:探讨EBV-LMP1和ZEBRA在系统性红斑狼疮患者(SLE)的表达情况。
- PDB can protect effectively the pancreatic islet B cells. 结论翻白草能有效保护胰岛B细胞。
- AIM: To study the role of adaptor protein Bam32 in B cell antigen receptor (BCR) signaling cascades. 目的:研究接头蛋白(adaptorprotein)Bam32在B细胞抗原受体(Bcellantigenreceptor,BCR)信号转导级联反应中的作用。
- "Distinct Types of Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma Identified by Gene Expression Profiling." Nature (2000). 藉由基因表现图谱判断不同类型的弥漫型大型B细胞淋巴瘤〉,《自然期刊》(2000).
- The C terminus of NP contains the type-specific B cell epitopes, which occupies C terminus, about half of NP. 上述研究结果提示,体外表达NP蛋白的高变区,有可能用于汉坦病毒的分型检测研究。
- Whether E2F1 can be used as a germinal center B cell(GCB)DLBCL marker was also discussed. 同时对转录因子E2F1作为一种新的生发中心B细胞(GCB)型DLBCL的判断指标的可行性进行探讨。
- So it is surposed that CD43 + B cell represent an independent B cell lineage just as CD5+ B cell. 因此有人推断CD43”B细胞如同CDS飞细胞一样代表一个独立的B细胞系。
- Results Two cases were low grade malignant,small B cell,bronchus associated lymphoid tissue (BALT) lymphomas. 结果低度恶性、小B细胞型、支气管粘膜相关淋巴组织淋巴瘤,进展缓慢,预后好;
- B cell activated co-receptor plays important roles in linkage of innate and acquired humoral immune responses. 细胞活化辅助受体通过补体系统将获得性免疫与固有性免疫联系起来。
- The diagnosis is diffuse large B cell lymphoma (also known as immunoblastic lymphoma). 主要需要鉴别的是转移癌。
- "The concept that B cell ablation is a viable therapy in autoimmunity, including RA, has been established," he writes. B细胞阻断是自体免疫性疾病包括风湿病的一种可行的治疗方式,且这概念已经确立。
- Antibody molecules also serve as receptors on the surface of B cells. 同时,抗体分子在B细胞表面也可作为受体存在。