- insufflating medicinal powder 吹药
- Is pseudomyopia had necessary do medicinal powder pupil cure? 假性近视有没有必要做散瞳治疗?
- A medicinal powder made essentially of ipecac and opium,formerly used to relieve pain and induce perspiration. 由吐根和鸦片制成的粉末状药物;用来缓解疼痛和排汗。
- Yunnan Baiyao (white medicinal powder) is exceptionally effective for the treatment of fracture, injury, etc. 云南白药对跌打损伤等许多病痛都具有神奇疗效。
- And besides redesigned LED taillight, 4 vent-pipe of the rear and medicinal powder hot cover all as identical as cash. 而除了重新设计的LED尾灯外,尾部的四排气管和散热罩等均与现款相同。
- One, fundamental condition Harbin city is multiracial medicinal powder of live together big.. 一、基本情况哈尔滨市是多民族散杂居的大...
- Famous "the Yunnan white medicinal powder" essential component is sanqi(Panax notoginseng). 云南白药"的主要成份便是三七。
- Clinical it is a feature with arranging cricoid papule sex to damage, cent confine and sow medicinal powder model two kinds. 临床以排列成环状的丘疹性损害为特征,分局限型和播散型两种。
- Conclusion: Yunnan white medicinal powder is simple, safe, cheap and effective drug for acute irradiated reaction and damage. 结论:云南白药外敷治疗急性放射性皮肤反应及损伤是一种方便、安全、经济、有效的治疗方法。
- When perch, banker hard brazenly runs away, besides authority, the absolutely price of the stock is low, medicinal powder door vigilance was reduced. 高位时,庄家难以明目张胆出逃,除了权,股票的绝对价格低,散户的警惕性就降低了。
- The medicine powder is too coarse, keep grinding it. 药面太粗了,再磨细点。
- Selects some proven prescriptions, the formula, processes the medicinal powder or the suppositories, puts on the lint ball, sticks in the erosion surface. 多选用一些验方、配方,加工成药粉或栓剂,置于棉球上,敷贴于糜烂面上。
- Sow medicinal powder model case disease is urgent, extensive sends the whole body, for the papula of size of grain of rice, those who accompany loom is annular damage. 播散型起病急,泛发全身,为米粒大小的丘疹,伴隐约可见的环形损害。
- This just applies to gastralgia of Xu Han sex, belch queasy, vomiting, bilge gas combats the disease such as acid, have medicinal powder cold, with stomach, acetanilide effect. 此方适用于虚寒性胃痛、打嗝反胃、呕吐、胀气反酸等症,有散寒、和胃、止痛的功效。
- Objective To observe the effect of beta-cypermethrin,chrysanthemum ester deflocculant,the wettability medicinal powder against Musca domestica in different superficial room. 目的观察高效氯氰菊酯悬浮剂、可湿性粉剂、乳油3种剂型,对家蝇在不同载体表面的室内杀灭效果及滞效时间。
- The P4 CPU that city makes work is bulk chip partly greatly very, the packing box that does not have Intel namely and medicinal powder the OEM product of sirocco fan. 市售的P4 CPU很大一部分都是散装芯片,即没有Intel的包装盒及散热风扇的OEM产品。
- On the wall body that leans a bed closely, dig have 3 small diamonds, inside buy tube, medicinal powder the light that give out gives a person the downy sense like dusk. 在紧靠床的墙体上,挖有3个小方块,内置灯管,散发出的光线给人黄昏般柔和的感觉。
- To scale medicinal powder. 把药面均等称开。
- The corner space buy of hall of have dinner of be apt to puts one piano, let rising and falling tone wave medicinal powder in have dinner environment, add integral artistic quality. 善用餐厅的角落空间置放一钢琴,让悠扬的乐音飘散于用餐环境中,增添整体艺术性。
- Thinner stainless steel, be heated force often inhomogenous, medicinal powder heat is inhomogenous also, may bring about mesa to provide craze of circumjacent a certain angle from kitchen. 较薄的不锈钢,受热力往往不均匀,散热也不均匀,可能会导致台面从灶具周边的某个角度开裂。