- Once I always insufferably arrogant. 曾经的我,总是不可一世。
- You are still paranoid that the juvenile. Insufferably arrogant. 你始终还是那个偏执的少年。不可一世。
- Lays down vanity which these once were insufferably arrogant, honest start.. 放下那些曾经不可一世的虚荣,诚实的开始。。。
- You are great, do not need as light exposure, insufferably arrogant. 你就是了不起,也不需要那样光芒外露、不可一世。
- And not shown to others, as an ambitious way forever, forever like an insufferably arrogant. 而不是对别人所表现的那样,永远一副雄心壮志的样子,永远一副不可一世的样子。
- Hereafter, Spain takes advantage of its huge knight troop, dominates an area Europe, conquers the Americas, just like is insufferably arrogant. 此后,西班牙依仗其庞大的骑士队伍,称雄欧洲,征服美洲,俨然不可一世。
- Clean living, she may not be so insufferably arrogant leader, but people, of course, a leisurely nanshan Dongli Picking chrysanthemums. 她洁身自好,也许不能颐指气使做领军人物,但满庭芬菲怡人,自是悠然南山采菊东篱。
- He also possible the morning you said categorically that he "love you", the evening becomes insufferably arrogant brutal phase. 他可能早上还对你信誓旦旦的说“爱你”,晚上就变成不可一世的残暴相。
- AD 350, Ran General Han Min overthrew the brutal insufferably arrogant Jie Zhao Empire, the emperor bit, Ye its capital city, Nianhao Yongxing, the country, Dawei, Shichenranwei. 公元350年,汉族将军冉闵推翻了残暴不可一世的羯赵帝国,即皇帝位,定都邺城,年号永兴,国号大魏,史称冉魏。
- some from the sky as if vacant and China, the insufferably arrogant, Rede a Gap Discovered Water 100 waterfall Zi,尽显airflow. 有的仿佛从天际腾空而泄、不可一世、惹得一峡秀水百瀑千姿、尽显风流。
- 10 rounds does not defeat, the Zhejiang green city is insufferably arrogant, they by the media, the fan are held ascended the sky; 10轮不败,浙江绿城不可一世,他们被媒体、球迷捧上了天;
- I dislike his arrogant demeanour. 我讨厌他那傲慢的行为。
- He had an arrogant tone of voice. 他流露出傲慢的口气。
- insufferably arrogant 气焰嚣张
- Well as he does in study, he is not arrogant. 虽然他功课很好,却一点都不傲慢。
- He often speaks in an arrogant tone. 他经常以一种傲慢的口气说话。
- It's arrogant of you to say that. 你竟然那样说,未免太自大了。
- Loud, arrogant speech, often full of empty threats. 气势汹汹的大话大声的、傲慢的讲话,经常充满空洞的威胁
- One should never be arrogant even when he is at his best. 一个人在最得意时也不应傲慢。
- John is so arrogant that he thinks he is better than everyone else. 约翰太骄傲自大,以为比谁都强。