- instruction status indicator 指令状态指示器
- How do I check my deposit instruction status? 我可怎样查阅我的存款状况?
- A battery status indicator flashes when batteries need recharging. 当鼠标需要充电时电源指示灯会亮起。
- Next to the person's name, click the online status indicator. 在该用户的姓名旁边,单击在线状态指示器。
- Display a status indicator in the status notification area of the taskbar. 在任务栏的状态通知区域显示一个状态指示器。
- An LED status indicator specifies armed, disarmed, and alarm status. LED状态指示器还能指定武装状态,解除武装和报警状态。
- You can change your on-line status through the drop-down list that appear when you click your current status indicator. 通过使用单击当前状态指示器时显示的下拉列表,可以更改在线状态。
- You'll know when power is low when the battery status indicator senses battery life is running out. 当电池电力不足的时候电源状态指示灯会提示您。
- Instead, build a status indicator into the application so the problem is clear to the interested user but is not obtrusive to someone who is busy elsewhere. 试着在程序中建立一个状态指示器,这样遇到问题时对有兴趣知道的用户就会很清楚,而不用打扰那些正忙于其他任务的用户。
- To save power, status indication LED can be auto turned off. 输入输出状态显示LED可关闭以节省电源。
- The following output messages return status and alarm information about the EINs:The ECP SDP 2131,cell # page provides an AP Summary Status indicator in the upper right corner of the page. 下列输出消息会返回关于 EIN 的状态和告警信息。
- English is not the usual medium of instruction in our school. 英语不是我校通常使用的教学语言。
- Run the Reporting Services Configuration tool, connect to the report server instance you just installed, and review the status indicator for each setting to verify that it is configured. 运行Reporting Services配置工具,连接到刚刚安装的报表服务器实例,并检查每个设置的状态指示器以验证该设置是否已配置。
- An instruction to go to a subroutine. 一种转移到子程序去的指令。
- The following output messages return status and alarm information about the EINs:The ECP SDP 2131, cell # page provides an AP Summary Status indicator in the upper right corner of the page. 下列输出消息会返回关于 EIN 的状态和告警信息:"ECP SDP 2131, cell %23" 页在页面的右上角提供有一个 AP 汇总状态指示器。
- My reins also instruct me in the night seasons. 我的心肠在夜间也警戒着我。
- It also offers auxiliary control input, a supervised emergency release input with a choice of nonlatching or latching contact with manual reset capability, and LED status indicator. 它还提供辅助控制输入, 选择没有闭锁或闭锁与手动复位功能的监管紧急释放输入,以及LED状态指示器。
- In computer programming, a jump instruction. 计算机程序设计中的一种跳转指令。建议使用jump。
- A wait request status indicates that the requestor does not currently hold a granted request on the resource. 等待请求状态指示请求程序当前未持有对资源的已授予请求。
- Please message the instruction by cable. 请用电报传送使用须知。