- institutions of housing reform 住房改革制度
- According to the law, the purchasers enjoy the rights of housing reform and late spouse seniority discount. 依照法律政策,购房人享有房改购房权、工龄折扣权、已故配偶工龄折扣权。
- After much deliberation, 1991, the Shanghai people have finally forced a road to the commodification of housing reform. 想来想去,1991年终于把上海人逼上了走住房商品化的改革道路。
- No longer questioned the commodification of housing reform in the housing decentralization, and thus trigger urban transport pluralism. 不再置疑住房商品化改革后出现的居住分散化,以及由此引发的城市交通工具多元化。
- With the commercialization of housing reform deepening and further improve housing, the housing market in Shenzhen will be a big demand for personal growth. 随着房改深化和住房商品化程度进一步提高,深圳住房市场中个人的需求量还会有一个大的增长。
- In some places, the sharp rise of house prices has impaired the purchasing enthusiasm of the citizens and directly hindered the housing reform process. 部分地区房价升势过快,挫伤了居民购房的积极性,直接影响了中国的房改进程。
- Over the past few years, with the national housing policy changes have drawn up a series of housing reform policy, shelter from the kind of distribution gradually shift to the monetized. 近几年,随着国家住房政策的改变,陆续制定出台了一系列的房改政策,使住房分配从实物化逐步向货币化转变。
- Institutions of government are established by law or precedent. 行政制度是依据法律兴惯例制定的。
- Press ahead with the Reform of Housing. 积极推进住房体制改革。
- The five-day week is now usual in institutions of higher learning. 每周上五天课在高等学府已很普遍。
- He was one of the institutions of the place. 他是当地著名人物之一。
- In April of 2004, Tongji University Tecsun Institute of Housing Technology was founded.The Dean is doctorial tutor Xu Zheng. 2004年04月,同济大学德胜住宅研究院成立,博士生导师徐政教授任院长。
- The rows of houses were uniform in appearance. 这一排排的房屋外表都是一样的。
- What type of house would you prefer to live in? 你喜爱住哪一类房子?
- A number of houses were burnt down in the fire. 在火灾中,好些房子给烧毁了。
- The choice of disengaging the puzzle of housing reform 走出房改迷局的选择
- The prices of houses are trending upwards. 房价趋于上涨。
- Coincidentally, Jia Kang, director of the Institute of Financial Science at the Forum also issued a similar view : "Now some departments of housing as a backing, this is a mistake. 无独有偶,财政部财政科学研究所所长贾康在论坛上也发表了类似观点:“现在一些部门把经济适用房作为托底,这是一个误区。”
- The five- day week is now usual in institutions of higher learning. 每周上五天课在高等学府已很普遍。
- The bureau also takes charge of housing policy. 这个局也负责房屋政策。