- New Zealand Institute of Economic Research Inc. 新西兰经济研究协会。
- Welcome to Fujian School of Administration and Fujian Institute of Economics Management. 福建行政学院福建经济管理干部学院。
- B.Sc. in Computer Science, Beijing Institute of Economics .Associate Professor, University of British Columbia. 现任教于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学,曾任教于麻省理工斯隆管理学院。
- The Author: Professor Yushi Mao is a micro-economist who has held positions at Harvard University and the Beijing Institute of Economics. 作者简介:茅于轼教授是哈佛大学和北京经济学院的微观经济学家。
- I have mastered the rudiments of economics. 我已精通经济学的基本原理。
- Ph.D. in Economics, University of Toronto (1992);M.A. in Economics, University of Toronto (1988);B.Sc. in Computer Science, Beijing Institute of Economics (1982). 北京经济学院计算机科学学士(1982年),加拿大多伦多大学经济学硕士(1988年)、经济学博士(1992年)。
- Hu Xingdou(Huni Star),professor of economics and China issues,college of humanities and social sciences,Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing100081,China. 胡星斗----北京理工大学经济学教授,全球和平联盟和平大使
- He is distinguished for his knowledge of economics. 他以经济学方面的精湛学识而著称於世。
- EBERHARD K.JOCHEM is professor of economics and energy economics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich and director of the Center for Energy Policy and Economics there. 约翰是苏黎士瑞士联邦理工学院经济学暨能源经济学教授,也是该校能源策略暨经济学中心的主任。
- Speakers included Mr Andrew Leung, Mr Zhang Guoqing, Policy Research Office of the State Ministry of Commerce; Ms Feng Xiaoyun of the Institute of Economics, the University of Jinan; and Mr Edward Leung of The Greater PRD Business Council. 讲者包括梁君彦、商务部政策研究室副主任张国庆、暨南大学经济学院封小云教授及大珠三角商务委员会代表梁海国。
- Chiou, Jiunn-Rong and Jin-Li Hu , Environment Research Joint Venture under Various Policy Instruments, IX Pacific Science Inter-Congress, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica(1998). 邱俊荣、吴世杰、黄鸿;外销比例政策与技术选择;一九九八年产业与区域经济学术研讨会,中央研究院经济研究所(1998).
- The Institute of Economic Growth in Delhi supported the Responses Working Group. 政策响应工作组的技术支持单位设在位于印度德里的经济发展研究所。
- A knowledge of economics is fundamental to any understanding of this problem. 经济知识对于理解这个问题是至关重要的。
- NIGEL VINSON, Institute of Economic Affairs: She relied on him to give her deep intellectual support. 经济问题研究所:她依靠他来获取深度的思想支持。
- In 2000, the former School of Nanjing Institute of Economics, College for Financial Jiangsu, Jiangsu Institute of Economic Management merger of three schools. 2000年,学校由原南京经济学院、江苏财经高等专科学校、江苏经济管理干部学院三校合并组建而成。
- This book treats of economic problems. 这本书探讨经济问题。
- RALPH HARRIS, Institute of Economic Affairs, 1957-1987: He got carried away with this Gestapo. And this, of course, was carrying things to absurdity -- Gestapo in Britain! 经济问题研究所,1957-1987年:他陶醉于这个盖世太保论,而这当然把事情引向了谬论-英国盖世太保!
- Is inflation symptomatic of economic decline? 通货膨胀是经济衰退的征兆吗?
- This is the cycle of economic booms and slumps. 这是经济繁荣和经济萧条的周期变化。
- Chinese Academy of Social Sciences researcher at the Institute of Economic Research Han-Meng JEC affirmed the concept of practical significance. 中国社会科学院经济研究所研究员韩孟肯定了JEC这一概念的现实意义。