- She has an instinct for music. 她有音乐天才。
- He early showed a talent for music. 他早年即展露出音乐的才能。
- My friend and I have mutual enthusiasm for music. 我和我的朋友对音乐有着共同的爱好。
- Libby had an instinct for essentials. 利比具有善于抓住事物实质的本能。
- He had an insatiable love for music. 他对音乐爱得入迷。
- She had an instinctive taste for music. 她性喜音乐。
- She has a very good ear for music. 她很有音感。
- Horses have a well-developed instinct for fear. 马天性易受惊吓。
- Her talent for music was not appreciated. 她的音乐才能无人赏识。
- He has an instinct for making money. 他有赚钱的本领。
- Ladies have an instinct for carefulness. 女性天性认真细致。
- Man is born with instinct for language. 人天生具有语言才能。
- But for music (=Were it not for music), life would be dull. 要不是音乐,人生会很无聊。
- It's no use trying to learn ballet unless you have a feeling for music. 除非你有音乐鉴赏力,否则别想学芭蕾舞。
- My father is probably responsible for my instinct for marketing. 我的销售本领可能是我父亲教导的结果。
- My sister has a talent for music. 我妹妹有音乐天赋。
- She had an unerring instinct for a good business deal. 她有天生擅长做生意的本事。
- Any singer needs to have an ear for music. 任何歌唱家都要对音乐十分敏感。
- It is mankind's instinct for moral reasoning in action. 这是人类道德观念的本能在起作用。
- He seems to have an instinct for always doing the right thing. 他好像有做事永不出错的本能。