- Involve other persons by loose talk 说话或讨论发言时东拉西扯,胡乱牵扯无关的人与事
- A deep, round hole worn in rock by loose stones whirling in strong rapids or waterfalls. 锅穴,壶穴岩石上深深的圆洞,由于急流或瀑布的水涡带动疏松的石块旋转而成
- From the threat posed by loose cannon rolling about a warship under sail. 源于战舰帆下滚动的有轮大炮所构成的威胁
- When our new boss is around, he doesn't care for loose talk and behavior. 在新老板面前要注意自己的言行,他不喜欢很随意的举止。
- In 2005 the party's deputy chairman was sacked for loose talk about cuts. 2005年,当时的保守党副主席因为发表有关削减开支的不慎言论遭解雇。
- The visiting team built up impressive lead in the first half,then threw it away by loose defensive play in the second. 客队在上半时遥遥领先,在下半时却由于防守松散被对方赶了上来。
- The violence was instigated by a politician. 这次暴力行为是由一位政客策划的。
- A deep,round hole worn in rock by loose stones whirling in strong rapids or waterfalls. 锅穴,壶穴岩石上深深的圆洞,由于急流或瀑布的水涡带动疏松的石块旋转而成
- There is much loose talk of our immunity from immediate and direct invasion from across the seas. 有许多人信口胡说我们不致立即受到来自海外直接的入侵。
- A deep, round hole worn inrock by loose stones whirling in strong rapids or waterfalls. 锅穴,壶穴岩石上深深的圆洞,由于急流或瀑布的水涡带动疏松的石块旋转而成。
- They were sportive, arrogant, with loose talk, with roaming and uncontrolled minds. 掉举而高慢、多辩饶舌、忘念、不正知、心不安静、散乱、不制伏诸根。
- The visiting team built up an impressive lead in the first half,then threw is away by loose defensive play in the second. 上半时客队遥遥领先,但到了下半时却由于防守松懈被对方赶了上来。
- Gossip Loose talk to disclose something, often of questionable veracity, that is better kept to oneself. 闲言碎语对不便于传出的事情的闲谈,往往有失客观性。
- The visiting team built up impressive lead in the first half, then threw it away by loose defensive play in the second. 客队在上半时遥遥领先,在下半时却由于防守松散被对方赶了上来。
- She skirted the table with two limping legs, hidden by loose, draping leather pants and no shoes. 她在桌子边上走来走去,两条腿一瘸一拐,外面穿着一条宽松的带褶儿的皮裤,脚上没穿鞋。
- Both of the World Wars were instigated by a militarist Germany. 两次世界大战都是德国军国主义者首先启衅的。
- Loose talk, on the other hand, might.And as an exercise in facing up to growing speculation and easing the pressure, this was a composed performance. 放松的谈话在另一方面可以成为释放压力和面对日益增长的疑问的练习。
- According to relevance theory, metaphor is but a kind of loose talk whose propositional form resembles that of the speaker's thought. 根据关联理论,隐喻是随意言谈的一种,它的命题形式与说话人思想的命题形式之间存在着相似关系。
- She tried to buy time by doing a lot of talk. 她企图以滔滔不绝的谈话来拖延时间。
- Mt.14:8 And she, being instigated by her mother, said, Give me here on a platter the head of John the Baptist. 太十四8她受她母亲唆使,就说,请把施浸者约翰的头,放在盘子上给我。