- inspection before assembling 组装之前检查
- I gave the radio a thorough inspection before buying it. 我把收音机彻底检查了一遍才买了下来。
- Before assembling, inspect whether the fasteners are tight and make sure there are no foreign bodies blocked in the runner to avoid the damage to pump impeller and casing. 安装前应检查机组紧固件有无松动现象,泵体流道内有无异物堵塞,以免水泵运行时损坏叶轮和泵体。
- I gave the radio a thorough inspection before I bought it. 我彻底检查过这部收音机后才买下来。
- Each component is carefully checked before assembly. 每个零件在装配前都经过仔细检查。
- All the products have to pass strick inspection before they go out. 所有产品出厂前必须要经过严格检查。
- All products have to pass strict inspection before they go out. 所有产品出厂前必须要经过严格检查。
- Parts of assemblies shall be cleaned separately before assembling or fabricating renders any surface inaccessible for cleaning or inspection. 组合安装前,应分别清洁组件的各个部分,难以触及的表面可不进行清洁或检验。
- Every part ls individuaIly checked before assembly. 在装配前,部件要逐个检查。
- You know our exports have to pass a rigid inspection before they are shipped. 你们知道我们的出口商品在装运前必须通过严格的检验。
- National land market management at the end of the inspection before acceptance. 全国土地市场治理整顿阶段性检查验收日前结束。
- Every part is individually checked before assembly. 在装配前,部件要逐个检查。
- Controlling of parts before assembly. 装配前零部件的控制。
- All the raw parts will be stocked in the drying klin and hot box before assembling and finishing to keep moisture rate stable . 在装配和完成前,所有未完成的部件都会存放在干燥炉和热箱内,以保持湿度的稳定。
- Perishables are stacked on deck under cover, awaiting rigid inspection before they are struck below. 易腐物品已经覆盖起来堆放在甲板上,等经过严格的检查后再搬下船舱。
- As a matter of fact,every instrument is subject to strict inspection before shipment. 事实上,每套器械在装运之前都是经过严格检验的。
- As a matter of fact, every instrument is subject to strict inspection before shipment. 事实上,每套器械在装运之前都是经过严格检验的。
- All the products have to pass strict inspects before they go out. 所有产品出厂前必须要经过严格检查。
- Photographing the architecture models at the points of sale, Xing Danwen then stages herself in all the situations of a city woman, before assembling the images by digital process. 邢丹文拍摄房屋销售时的楼盘模型,让自己作为一名城市女性走上各种场合的舞台,然后用数码处理方式将它们拼装起来。