- Knowledge of inspection and measurement methods and techniques. Familiar with Quality tools such as SPC and FMEA etc. 具备检验及测量等专业技术知识,熟练。
- Maintenance and care of entrusted inspection and measuring equipment. 受委托检验和测量设备的维修、养护。
- Quality Dept. conducts Monitoring and measurement of in-process products as per technical requirements and inspection specifications prevent any products without inspection and non-conforming products from flowing into the next process. 过程产品的监视和测量由质量部按技术要求、检验规程进行检验和试验,杜绝生产过程中未经检验的产品或不合格品转入下道工序。
- A suitable approach to the review may include checklists, interviews, direct inspection and measurement, results of previous audits or other reviews depending on the nature of the activities. 审查可以采行的作法包括:查核表、访谈、直接检查与量测、以往的稽核结果、或依据活动性采行的其它审查方式。
- Inspects and measures parts to maintain statistical process control charts. 检查测量各部件以保证产品规格数据统计在控制图纸要求范围内。
- Supervision and organization of examinations of entrusted inspection and measuring equipment. 组织、监督受委托检验和测量设备的验证。
- Complete ability to use inspection and measuring equipment for assessing surfaces, hardness, metallic and non-metallic layers and geometries. 能够使用检验、测量设备对表面、金属、非金属层和几何形状进行评价。
- revolutions inspection and measurement 转速监测
- Conformity to specifications and quality levels is monitored using statistical process control techniques, visual inspection and measuring equipment. 用统计学操作控制技术,目测和测量仪器对规格和质量级别的一致性进行监控。
- fault inspection and measurement 故障检测
- A man employed to inspect and repair railroad tracks. 铁路养路工检查和修理铁轨的工人
- routine ultrasonic inspection and measurement 常规超声波检测
- Inspection and measurement system 请检系统
- Clean, inspect and lubricate machinery. 负责模具的清洗、检测和润滑。
- ultrasonic inspection and measurement 超声检测
- Inspect and monitor the work status of the worker. 检查、监督员工的工作情况;
- Inspection and Test Status Control Procedure. 检测状况控制程序。
- Inspection and test standard for port container ho. 港口集装箱大型起重机械检测技术规范。
- Test and measurement equipment record maintenance. 校验记录的维护和更新。
- Inspection and testing certificate issued by. 由。签发之检验证明书。