- Stenus ( Stenus, s.str ) sp.1 and Paedenus fuscipes Curtis are important insect natural enemies. 大眼隐翅虫Stenus(Stenus;s.;str )sp 1和梭毒隐翅虫PaedenusfuscipesCurtis是重要的天敌昆虫。
- Study on Biological Control of Fall Webworm by Insect Natural Enemy 天敌昆虫对美国白蛾的生物控制研究
- Study on Parasitical Natural Enemy Insect of Saperda populnea L. 青杨天牛寄生性天敌昆虫初步研究。
- insect natural enemy 天敌昆虫
- Title: Study on Parasitical Natural Enemy Insect of Saperda populnea L. 关键词:青杨天牛;寄生性天敌昆虫;重寄生;研究
- The owl is the natural enemy of mice and rats. 猫头鹰是鼠类的克星。
- To Control Trunk insect Pests Semanotus bifasciatus with Its Natural Enemy Pyemotes sp. 利用天敌蒲螨控制柏树蛀干害虫双条杉天牛。
- Insect pests of 42 species,15 families,7 orders in one class were recognized as natural enemy. 查到害虫天敌昆虫有1个纲7个目15科42种;
- A Survey on Insect Natural Enemies of Hyphantria cunea in Dalian District, Liaoning Province 大连地区美国白蛾寄生性天敌昆虫
- Title: To Control Trunk insect Pests Semanotus bifasciatus with Its Natural Enemy Pyemotes sp. 关键词:病虫害及其防治;天敌;研究;蒲螨;蛀干害虫;双条杉天牛
- You don’t know fat is your natural enemy and ugly is your monody. 你不知肥胖是你的天敌,丑陋是你的挽歌。
- Birds are the natural enemies of many insect pests(= they kill them). 鸟类是许多害虫的天敌。
- insect natural enemies 天敌昆虫
- Porpoises and sharks are natural enemies. 海豚和鲨鱼是天然仇敌
- In another word, there are 50 kinds of the harmful pests, 22 kinds of the natural enemy insects, 2 kinds of the activity insects and 1 kind of saprophagous insect. 计有害虫50种,害虫天敌22种,活动性强的昆虫2种及腐食性昆虫1种。
- Abstract: Agasicles hygro phila is a hollow philoxeroides important natural enemies of insect feeding exclusively. 摘 要 : 空心莲子草叶甲是空心莲子草重要的专食性天敌昆虫。
- Dastarcus helophoroides was the most effective natural enemy against the large-body longhorn beetles attacking trees. 摘要花绒寄甲是大型天牛类林木蛀干害虫最为有效的天敌昆虫。
- There were 11 species in 6 families of natural enemy,among which,ladybug and braconidae were the dominant species. 天敌共有6科11种,其中六斑月瓢虫、菜小脉茧蜂为优势种;