- For more information, see Add an input language. 有关详细信息,请参阅添加输入语言。
- Returns the hash code for this input language. 返回此输入语言的哈希代码。
- Gets or sets the current input language for the current thread. 获取或设置当前线程的当前输入语言。
- In the Input language list, select a language, and then click OK. 在“输入语言”列表中,选择一种语言,再单击“确定”。
- Its input language is based on DATALOG and graph rewriting. 它的输入语言是基于DATALOG和图形再编写。
- INPUT language which contains linguistic items that are slightly beyond the learner's present linguistic COMPETENCE. 向学习者输入略高于其现有语言能力的语言项目。
- You can set the initial IME mode of CIMEEdit as to input language, shape, and so on. 可以就输入语言、形状等方面设置CIMEEdit的初始IME模式。
- You can use this event to determine whether the requested input language change is appropriate for your application. 可以使用此事件确定请求的输入语言更改是否适合于应用程序。
- The Language bar provides a quick way to change the input language or keyboard layout from your desktop. 语言栏提供了从桌面快速更改输入语言或键盘布局的方法。
- Gets a value indicating whether the system default font supports the character set required for the requested input language. 获取一个值,该值指示系统默认字体是否支持请求的输入语言所要求的字符集。
- In the Text Services dialog box, under Default Input Language, select the language that corresponds to the IME you want to use by default. 在“文字服务和输入语言”对话框中,在“默认输入语言”之下,选择对应于默认要使用的IME的语言。
- Before you can change the keyboard layout, you must add the input language and keyboard layout that you want to use to Windows. 在更改键盘布局之前,必须添加要用于Windows的输入语言和键盘布局。
- If Dictation mode is not on the Language bar, your current input language (keyboard layout) may not support the speech recognition engine. 如果“语言”栏上没有听写模式,则您当前使用的输入语言(键盘布局)可能不支持该语音识别引擎。
- Select an input language to use with the input method you choose above. This setting applies when you start your computer. 为您上边所选的输入法选择一种输入语言。这个设置在您启动计算机时采用。
- NoteIf you don't see the Keyboard layout button, you might not have more than one input language, or your regional and language settings might not be applied to reserved accounts. 注意如果没有看到“键盘布局”按钮,则可能是因为您不具有多种输入语言,或者您的区域设置和语言设置未应用于保留的帐户。
- It varies with each individual when to rest for a period of time and let those input language materials processed in the brain according to the individual character. 究竟什麽时候该休息一段时间,让输入的语言材料在大脑内部按照个人的特点进行加工处理,这完全是因人而异的事情。
- It varies with each individual when to rest for a period of timelet those input language materials processed in the brain according to the individual character. 究竟什么时候该休息一段时间,让输入的语言材料在大脑内部按照个人的特点进行加工处理,这完全是因人而异的事情。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- Select the key sequence you want to use to switch between installed input languages. 请选择您想用于在安装的输入语言之间切换的键顺序。
- Only when the input language tallies with the learner's current level can it be transformed into the learner's linguistic competence and eventually promote foreign language acquisition. 只有输入的语言符合学习者现有知识水平,才能使其内化为学习者的语言能力,从而促进外语习得。