- Henry is nowhere when it comes to the race for class president. 亨利在竞选级长中被远远抛在后面。
- The new president carried out a purge of disloyal army officers. 新总统对不忠诚的陆军军官进行了一次整肃。
- I worked in a very innovative company. 我在一家非常富有创新精神的公司工作。
- The president's death had unexpected repercussion. 总统的逝世引起出乎意料的反响。
- The President of the US is the chief executive. 美国总统是最高行政长官。
- The president will accredit you as his assistant. 董事长将任命你做他的助理。
- The president has no consistent policy. 那位总统的政策缺乏一致性。
- The President swore to uphold the constitution. 总统宣誓维护宪法。
- An innovative leader in a field; a pioneer. 创始人某一领域内的革新领袖; 先驱
- I greet you in the name of the President. 我代表总统前来迎接您。
- The President swings his weight to get laws passed. 总统运用权力使法律获得通过。
- The president was in high credit with the students. 这位校长在学生中享有很高的声。
- The President vetoed the tax cuts. 总统否决了削减税收的议案。
- The President elect will be installed next week. 候任总统将在下周正式就任。
- The Prime Minister was dethroned by the President. 总理被总统废黜了。
- I now invite the President to take the floor. 现在请总统讲话。
- The committeedecided to impeach the President. 委员会决定弹劾总统。
- Please make way for the president. 请给总统让路。
- The President had lost the support of the congress. 总统已经失去了国会的支持。
- Being active, creative and innovative is a plus. 思想活跃、有首创和革新精神尤佳。